Old Men Can Be A handful




[Hachiman's POV]

"It's getting dark." I remarked, noticing the fading light as the fireworks show came to an end.

Haruno and I exchanged glances, silently agreeing that it was time to head home.

I turned to address the group, my voice carrying across to them.

"Hey, ladies out there..." I shouted, cupping my hands around my mouth to amplify my voice.

"We are going to the parking area, so don't lag far behind because of your never-ending chit-chat."

The girls paused their conversations, glancing in my direction.

Yukinoshita and Yuigahama expressions hardly changed, as they remained mostly expressionless. However, my little sister Komachi's response was far more livelier.

She turned around to look at me, her eyes sparkling with mischief.

In one quick move, she stuck out her tongue, making a childish face with the pink muscle. She pulled at the skin around one eye to make it look bigger, widening it in a funny way with her hand.

The message was clear: 'Don't tell us what to do!'

I felt a vein throb in my forehead, annoyance bubbling up inside me. This brat, I cursed silently.

Suddenly, a soft giggle broke through my thoughts.

"Heeheehee..." The melodious sound came from Haruno, who had gracefully placed a hand over her mouth , pretending to stifle her laughter. I knew it was all for show.

"I didn't know there was anyone else other than me who could make you pull a face like that." Haruno commented, her voice lilting with barely contained laughter.

I turned to her, my eyebrow raised.

"You speak as if you have seen me for a while now." I quipped, trying to maintain my composure. 

Without missing a beat, Haruno retorted. "I can say the same for you. You act as if you've known me forever."

Her quick response caught me off guard. I opened my mouth to reply but stopped short, unable to think of a suitable comeback.

Seeing my reaction, Haruno's expression softened slightly.

"Come on, little bro, I was just teasing you." She said, her tone light.

"There is no way that was possible." She emphasized her statement with a carefree laugh, as if brushing off the entire exchange.

Since she left it at that, it gave me an opportunity to move on.

"Okay, then, shall we go?" I asked, gesturing vaguely.

"Well, of course, yes." Haruno agreed immediately, her smile never faltering.

We both took a step forward, ready to leave. However, I couldn't help but turn around one last time.

"We are leaving." I announced firmly.

This time, I didn't wait for a reply. I turned on my legs and began walking, noting that Haruno was just a few steps ahead of me.

But even as we walked away, I couldn't escape my sister's sharp tongue. Komachi's voice, dripping with sarcasm, reached my ears.

"Didn't you leave already, big brother?" She called out, her tone playful yet rebellious.

I heard another heartfelt chuckle from beside me, unmistakably Haruno's.

A reaction coursed through me - a mixture of annoyance and unwilling fondness for my insolent little sister.

I picked up my pace, falling in step with Haruno.

Now, walking side by side with her, I noticed Haruno's smile subsided slightly as she spoke.

"Though it's a bummer that my little brother isn't exactly who I want him to be, at least my new little sister seems to take after me." She mused, her voice carrying a bit of both disappointment and amusement.

I said nothing, unsure of how to respond to her comment.

It felt like receiving disapproval and approval simultaneously.

As we reached the parking lot, a limousine pulled up alongside the sidewalk, its sleek design in stark contrast to the vibrant colors of the fireworks.

Yeah, definitely the same one that had nearly run me over, offering me a free ticket to 'hell'.

My eyes then fell on a figure leaning casually against the expensive car.

It was a woman - one I had seen before, specifically at the end of our volunteer work when Haruno had come to 'pick up' Yukinoshita in this very same car.

I remembered her distinctly for the weird look she had given me then.

Why exactly am I explaining all this? Well, it is because, as we approached, I noticed she was giving me that same unsettling expression from that day.

Upon seeing us, the woman straightened her posture and walked over, addressing Haruno with a slight bow.

"Hello, Miss Haruno." She greeted Haruno formally.

"Yeah, Emiko." Haruno responded casually, her tone a stark contrast to Emiko's formality.

As she speaks, Haruno's eyes narrow slightly, noticing the way Emiko's gaze remains fixed on me while I look at her with a half suspicious expression.

Sensing a potential misunderstanding, Haruno moved swiftly. But, of course, she had to do it her way instead of just saying it out loud.

She took a few quick steps towards me, leaned in close, and whispered. "She is not the one, Hachiman."

Somewhat gaming resistance to her antics, I managed to ignore her and spoke before clearing my throat softly.

"I thought so..."

Was all I managed to say, my mind still processing the strange situation.

"That was my old man."

But just then, a voice cut through the air, making me turn my gaze in the direction of the sound, and it was - Emiko.

My eyes scanned her face more carefully now, searching for any hint of emotion.

"The one that caused that accident was my Father." She continued, her expression remaining stoic.

But there was an underlying meaning behind that, it was like she was implying that, 'he is such a pain' to the person she referred to as an 'old man'.

I felt an unexpected kinship with her exasperation.

"It seems like your old man can be a handful." I chimed in, my tone sympathetic.

??!!Emiko's eyes widened slightly, clearly surprised by my remark, but I didn't find a hint of disagreement in her face.

"Yeah, he really is. Sir." She nodded her head regardless.

Seeing her expression, I continued.

"That must be hard. At times, old men can be such a pain to deal with." I shook my head dramatically for effect.

Emiko's lips twitched slightly, perhaps the closest thing to a smile I would get from her. "Anyway, you don't have to worry about my old man anymore, sir."

"There will be no more innocent bystanders harmed because of him in the future. He's retired from his job now." Her expression softened.

I clutched my chest in mock despair.

"Nicely done….. Alas, my old man is still a bit young to retire... So..." I trailed off, my exaggerated sadness.

"Don't worry, sir. Things will change soon." Emiko assured me.

"Hey, now come on, don't call me sir. It feels awkward." I protested, rubbing the back of my neck.

"I am sorry, but I can't do that, sir." Emiko replied, staying serious.

I sighed, deciding not to push the issue further. "Guess it can't be helped."

As the strangers we just met a moment ago were having a heartfelt conversation, Haruno just looked over at me and Emiko, and the conversation proceeded.

Haruno stood to the side, her mouth slightly agape. Her eyes darted between Emiko and me, trying to process the scene before her.

The tension that had been thick enough to cut with a knife just moments ago had disappeared, replaced by an effortless camaraderie that left her utterly baffled.

Knowing Emiko for years, Haruno had never seen her engage in such a lengthy, lighthearted conversation with someone she had just met.

Yukinoshita Haruno, always in control, always three steps ahead, looked entirely out of her depth. It was a rare sight indeed.

"Regardless of everything, Sir Hachiman. I apologise on behalf of my old man for what happened." Abruptly in contrast to the mood, Emiko bowed full of sincerity.

"Leave it. I have already received too many apologies. It is to the point I am getting really sick of it now." I sighed, frustration coloring my voice.

[-After Few Minutes-]


After a few minutes of waiting, the trio of girls reached the parking lot.

….and without any further ado, both Yukinoshita decided to leave now.

"I can give you a ride home if you'd like?" Haruno suggested, casually leaning against the open car door.


[To be continued…]


[Author Reminder : 10+chapters advance in Patreon.]
