I Quit!




[Hachiman's POV]

The next day, the meeting began with me sitting in the chair of the chairman of the planning committee.

"Okay, I think everyone is here, so let's start..." My tone came out a bit extra lackluster than I hoped it to be.

"But before that, as you might have already noticed, I am appointing Yukinoshita Yukino as the vice-chairman after discussing with Senior Meguri and our teachers." I gestured toward Yukinoshita, who sat beside me. The board reading 'vice-chairman' was clearly displayed on her desk.

The news seemed to ripple through the room, sparking a mixture of surprise and approval among the committee members. A few exchanged nods, acknowledging the decision.

"So, from now on, if you have any annoying…*cough….*cough…" I paused to clear my throat, catching myself before voicing any unintended thoughts.

"I mean, if you face any minor issues, direct them to Yukinoshita first? Don't come to me unless she can't solve it." I announced, scanning the assembled faces.

As if there is any problem she can't solve, I thought, patting myself mentally on the back for what I deemed a foolproof plan.

"And if anyone has reservations or concerns, now's the time to voice them." I added, allowing a moment of tense silence to stretch out.

As expected, no objections were raised, save for a few murmurs of, with excitement and satisfaction, there were no gossops.

In fact, they seemed more welcoming of this news than when I had been appointed Chairman.

…Yep, their reactions were definitely more positive than when I had raised my hand for the Chairman position.

These bastards….

Despite the fact that there was no outright rejection of my authority, there were lingering undercurrents of mistrust, with unspoken questions like 'why him?' and 'who is this guy?' woven into the thoughts of the room.

'If anyone's got an issue, step up and take my seat.' I thought, half-irritated, half-amused by the unspoken challenge.

Seizing the opportunity, Yukinoshita rose gracefully and introduced herself. "Hello. I am Yukinoshita Yukino of class 2-A, and I hope we all get along."

After Yukinoshita finished, I decided it was time to get things moving.

"Hmm? Shall we start the meeting, then?"

Anyways, immediately upon her inauguration, Yukinoshita and I dove right into the work.

After compiling a new schedule and making it known to the committee, she had all the sections submit daily reports of their progress and checked them over.

Work had progressed forward without delay.

And I must say, Yukinoshita was putting impressive effort into the work.

Either way, I may have been the chairman officially by name, but it wasn't difficult for everyone to imagine Yukinoshita was actually handling most of the responsibility.

They looked at me like a figurehead… maybe even a bit of a jerk, given that I was a guy, and their disgruntlement was more openly directed.

Like, I care. The reason I even stepped forward is to avoid any overwork that might happen similar to the plot due to the supposed otherwise brain dead Chairman's proposition.


Since it was only the beginning, the couple of days moved forward favorably with simply assigning workload, while the regular meetings had been approaching.

As scheduled, it was four in the afternoon.

I took a fleeting look at the members gathered in the conference room and started with an opening.

"Alright everyone, let's get started with our regular meeting." I announced, my voice cutting through the murmurs and commanding the room's attention.

Starting first were the progress reports from every section.

With the formalities out of the way, I deftly guided the proceedings. "Let's have the progress reports from each team. Public advertising, you're up first."

….and that's all I had to say.

The head of the section stood up, ready to report their current state of progress. "We've completed 70% of our posting schedule, and as for the posters, we're about halfway done."

It is time for me to speak….

"...Halfway done, huh?" I mused, a thoughtful expression crossing my face as I considered the progress of the advertising team leader. "Doesn't that border on a delay?"

I turned to Yukinoshita Yukino, our vice-chair. "What are your thoughts?"

".....It is a little behind schedule." Yukinoshita, paid no mind or bothered with the striking looks at me and continued her words. "Have you determined where you are gonna hang them? What about the festival homepage, have you updated that?"

The advertising head seemed to shrink under the scrutiny of her probing questions, their earlier confidence wavering.

"Not yet." He admitted hesitantly, his voice betraying a hint of uncertainty.

"Okay, please hurry. The posters can wait, however, middle school students and their parents tend to frequently check the homepage. So it is important if it reflects current activities."

"Y-Yes." The poor guy stammered, quickly taking his seat under Yukinoshita's withering gaze.

Well played, Yukinoshita! I gave her an approving mental fist bump. Out loud, I just shrugged.

I jotted down some notes. "Sounds good. Advertising team knows what to prioritize now. Let's move on."

I glanced at my agenda. "Right, volunteer management comes next. Your report, please."

"…Yes. At the present, there are ten volunteer organizations." The head of the volunteers reported with reservation.

"Ms. Vice Chairman. Care to share your thoughts?" I shamelessly directed the question towards Yukinoshita.

Yukinoshita seamlessly took over it. "Is that within the school only? Have you approached any locals yet? As long as we emphasise our connection with local residents, we must avoid a decline in their participation. At least remember to submit a timetable summarizing the allotment of stage time as well as the staff assignments at the time of the opening."

As the meeting proceeded without any trouble, I relaxed my back on the chair, and it was soft and squishy.

I also heard a murmur from time to time.

"Gosh, you are so amazing..…" Someone whispered, their tone filled with awe.

Nope. That comment was definitely not directed towards me.

"Just what I had expected from Haru's little sister." Senior Meguri slipped out her impressions.

Tsk, what's that supposed to mean? Give her some credit, damn it.

"…No, it wasn't that much." Yukinoshita showed humility to Senior Meguri's voice of esteem.

"....she is like a real chairman…."(???)

"I think she should just do it all."(???)

"Yeah, I think so too…"(???)

Idiots. Can't they see she's already doing everything except calling the names? This is exactly why people like me get to steal the credit.

Anyways, next is…..

I moved things along. "Well, next is the General Records team..."

So did the meeting as Yukinoshita went on an incredible rampage, beheading anyone and everyone.

[-Next Day-]


The time was 3:45 in the afternoon.

Although the planning committee meeting was regularly scheduled for 4 p.m., I decided to head over early.

As I rolled open the conference room door, I found it empty and quiet.

Shrugging, I made my way to the seat designated for the 'Chairman' and took a seat.

A few minutes ticked by….. Before the door rolled open again with a creak.

–rool(:door open)

"....hello." The sweet sound of Yukinoshita's voice could be heard as she entered the room.

"Yo." I responded with a nonchalant wave, trying not to stare too long at how impeccably put together she looked.

"Um-hum…" She acknowledged me with a brief nod before taking her seat beside me, the one designated for the 'Vice Chairman'.

"...." - "...."

….and it is again a pin drop silence.

But it didn't feel uncomfortable. I mean, we are pretty much used to these stretches of stillness from our time together in the service club over the few months we spent together.

"You're uncharacteristically punctual these days." Yukinoshita remarked, breaking the silence.

"Well, that's the least I could do as the acting credit-stealer and Chairman, right?" I quipped with a smirk

She narrowed her eyes on me. "Honestly, Hikigaya, why did you even bother taking on that ridiculous role?"

"Just wanted to spend some more time with you legally during school hours." Seizing the opportunity, I leaned back with a wink.

A faint blush crept across Yukino's porcelain cheeks.

"Don't joke around!" She huffed, trying and failing to maintain her usual icy demeanor.

"Does it look like that?" I grinned mischievously.

"Shall we review those request forms?" She asked stiffly, gesturing at the stack of papers on the table before us, clearly aiming to change the subject.

"Of course." I put on an innocent expression.

Sensing her discomfort, I nodded and decided not to push further... for now.

Yukino's eyes flashed up to meet mine, a challenge burning behind them. "Just remember, I am merely here out of obligation."

"I didn't realize a simple 'request' of mine carried so much weight for the ice queen to call it an obligation." I teased with a cheeky grin.

–rool(:door open)

Before she could respond with another quip, the door rolled open, and a few other members of the planning committee started filtering in. Yukino shot me a final warning, looking as if to say, 'we will continue this later.'

I just smirked back.

"Whatever you say, Yukino." I added casually.

"Um-hum…" Yukinoshita nodded.


Slowly, over the next minute or so, people began entering and leaving the conference room, appearing unsure of where to settle.

Is this some kind of common occurrence I am unaware of? I have no idea.

Anyway, with still five minutes to go, Yukinoshita started organizing some documents on the opposite side of the table.

Seeing her occupied, I offered to help.

Just as we were wrapping up, a commotion erupted in the corridor outside.

Amidst the noise, a figure entered the room.

"Hello! Yukinoshita… look who is here!" Senior Meguri greeted and looked at me.

….and following her entered Yukinoshita Haruno.

"Ah, Hikigaya you are here too."

"Hey there…" I greeted her.

The hell is she here for?

That's what I wanted to ask her, but I already knew she was joining us, so I held back.

"Haru, you know him?" Senior Meguri asked with surprise.

"Of course I know him! Hello to you too, Hikigaya!" Haruno exclaimed.

Oh. She is not calling my little brother. Why is that?

"Big sis…why did you come here?" Asked Yukinoshita, using both a severe and questioning tone.

"Oh c'mon, I came here since there was a notice about volunteer groups being accepted. As an OG of the orchestra club too." Haruno replied with a hint of hurt, as if asking, 'Am I not allowed here?'

"Sorry, I thought it was a good idea…. Especially since we didn't have many local volunteers. I figured this was a good solution." Senior Meguri interjected, understanding Yukinoshita's remark.

"Did you know that in her third year, your sister volunteered to play in a band? Ms. Hiratusuka was even part of it! It was so amazing!" She continued, looking at Yukinoshita with modesty.

"I am aware of that..… I was watching." Yukinoshita replied in a monotone tone.

Haruno smiled with a look of embarrassment and came in. "Ahaha, stop that, Meguri. We were just having a bit of fun."

Trying to give one last push, Haruno grabbed Yukinoshita's shoulders. "Come on, can't I, Yukino? I am just wanting to make sure I do everything I can for my cute little sister, see~"

"You can do whatever you want. It's not up to me." Yukinoshita brushed her off.

"What do you mean? I thought you were the planning committee chairman. Then who is the chairman?" Haruno challenged, as if questioning who could be more suitable for the role than her sister.

Hey, now why are you pulling into your sister's quarrel?

I quit! I quit!

"It's Hikigaya." Senior Meguri said, gesturing towards me.

Senior Meguri, I respected you, but is this all I get for saving you from all the trouble that could have arisen if I hadn't taken this job?

"Huh? Hikigaya…?" Haruno looked surprised, then nodded.

"Of course it's Hikigaya! You should have said so earlier, Meguri."

She started walking towards me. "Little brother, I have a favour to as–!"

"I permit! You can do whatever you want."

….yeah, just don't come near me.

"Kyaaa, thank you! Such a sweet little brother I have~!"

Here, I thought she had some conscience left in her to call me 'little brother' in such a formal setting.


[To be continued…]


[Author Reminder : 8+chapters advance in Patreon.]
