Visiting Yukinoshita




[Hachiman's POV]

With my school bag slung over one shoulder and a plastic bag of fruit clutched in my hand.

I looked up at the huge building standing before me.

The setting sun's rays bounced off the glass windows, momentarily blinding me and forcing me to shield my eyes with the other hand.

As I said before, Yukinoshita was on sick leave today.

Yeah, just like in the plot, she had messaged me early this morning about falling ill and being unable to attend school for the day.

I had the tiny urge to skip school, but… Well, I couldn't.

At least now I could check up on her.

So here I was, right in front of her house, about to pay a visit.

...sigh. But man, did I feel exhausted.



[-Third Person View-]

The apartment tower where Yukino resided was a well-known icon of luxury, with its sleek lines and polished facade exuding an air of sophistication even in this upscale neighborhood.

In being high-class, the security was also strict. Getting in was no easy feat.

So, Hachiman as per the norm decided to call Yukino's room from the entrance, ringing the bell.

Inhaling deeply, he pressed the intercom button for her apartment. The small device blinked to life, its screen flickering as he waited.


There was a moment of silence, then a buzzing noise.

He shifted the bag of fruit to his other hand, suddenly aware of how casual and out of place he must look.


The buzzing continued.

Was she asleep? Too weak to answer? Or maybe she just didn't want to see anyone in her current state?

Numerous questions arose in his head.

Just then, the buzzing stopped.

["…Yes?"] The bell was answered with a faint sounding voice.

"Hey, it's me." Hachiman replied, attempting a casual tone.

There was a short pause, then Yukino's voice came back, sounding a bit annoyed.

["…Why you….."]

Hey, that is no way to treat a guest… Woman.

"Tsk, just open the door." He interrupted, rolling his eyes. Some things never changed.

["…Can, you wait for ten minutes?"] She asked, her tone suddenly serious.

A sly grin tugged on his lips. "Hey, I know you want to look good in front of me, but I don't think it's time for that. Though you do look good in most outfits, so I don't min–!"

["I said, wait for 10 minutes…"] Yukino's cold voice cut me off, leaving no room for argument.

Shit, she sounded pissed.

Hachiman knew better than to not push her further when Yukino used such a tone.

"Got it." He muttered, and the line went dead.

Shaking his head, he made his way to the plush sofas in the lobby, settling in to wait out the allotted time.

I suppose only high-end places like this had such sofas in the entrance area. Fancy. He thought, sitting there boringly.

Precisely seven minutes later, Yukino's voice crackled through the speaker once more.

["...You can come in."] The automatic door slid open with a soft hiss, granting him entry.

"Right. Which floor?" He inquired, glancing around the opulent lobby.


"Okay, I will be there in a flash."

Following Yukino's response, Hachiman entered the elevator and pressed the button for floor 15. The display in the elevator blinked from one floor number to the next, and he immediately arrived.

…..and before he knew it, the doors were opening, revealing a hallway lined with numerous apartment doors.

?Fuck, I forgot to ask for the room number. Should I call her–!

"Hikigaya, here…."

As he was thinking, a door to his right side opened slowly with Yukino's face slightly poking out, making me turn towards her.

Hachiman's breath caught in my throat as he took in her appearance.

The finely woven white sweater looked so oversized for Yukino's slender body that the sleeves extended all the way down to the palms of her hands. Her collarbones up to her neck were in plain view, and her black hair, tied into a bundle, dangled down to her bosom as if to hide away that deep neckline. Her maxi long skirt drooped down to her ankles.

"Please come in." She spoke, her voice soft but unreadable.

"Ah, thanks…" 

With Yukino guiding him, he steps through the doorway into her personal space while struggling to keep his composure.

The design of the living-room was simple. It resembled the interior of a business hotel, utilising minimal furniture that was simple but effective.

Amongst them, there was a sofa couch that felt warm when he sat covered with a cream colored sheet.

"Have a seat over the–!" She started, then stopped abruptly, realizing that he had already made himself at home.

Leaning against the wall, she folded her arms across her chest. "So, what is it that we need to talk about?"

"Before that, why don't you take a seat first?" He suggested, gesturing towards the vacant sofa adjacent to mine.

After a moment's hesitation, she acquiesced. Moving with her usual grace, she settled onto the couch, smoothing her long skirt as she did so.

Without warning, Hachiman leaned in toward her, his hand reaching out to gently press against her forehead.

"...So you went ahead and got yourself sick." He murmured, checking her temperature with the back of his palm.

??!..Yukino stiffened, clearly caught off guard by his bold gesture.

For a fleeting moment, Hachiman half-expected her to pull away, to chastise him for invading her personal space.

"....." But to his surprise, she remained still, allowing him to linger perhaps a beat too long.

"Yep, you are definitely sick. Perhaps, due to the season change." He confirmed, retrieving his hand and leaning back, putting a respectable distance between us once more.

Her cheeks flushed, whether from the fever or something else entirely, I couldn't say.

"Don't get too comfortable, Hikigaya." Yukino warned, though the effect was somewhat diminished by the faint blush coloring her cheeks.

Ignoring her halfhearted threat, he reached down and picked up a paper bag he had placed on the floor earlier, the crinkling sound drawing her attention.

"Here, take this. It's from Komachi." He informed, passing her the bag filled with an assortment of fresh fruits – oranges, apples, and her favorite, strawberries.

"...Komachi?" Yukino murmured, her eyebrows slightly furrowing as she looked at the bag, then at his school uniform.

"Yeah… When I mentioned I would be coming home late, she obviously inquired about the reason. After learning the reason, she was hell bent on conveying her regards and made it clear that I better not show up empty-handed." He clarified, noting the confusion that clouded her face.

"That does sound like Komachi…." Yukino's expression softened slightly, though she added with a side-eye glance.

He nodded and held out the bag once more.

"Anyway, just take this already." He complained about all the back-and-forth inquiries when she could just accept it.

She looked at it, seeming to search for any hidden motives, and after a moment of hesitation, she reached out and accepted the gift with a slight nod.

"Um-hum, I am... grateful for her consideration." Her expression softened slightly, but I could see she was struggling with accepting the gesture.

Trying to take some credit for myself, he added. "And me too."

"I don't recall asking for your concern." She remarked, her voice carrying a blend of appreciation and defiance.

A wry smile tugged at the corners of his lips. "Since when do I need an invitation to worry about you."

?!..!Yukino's eyes widened ever so slightly at the casual admission, and he could see the walls she so carefully constructed around herself begin to waver, if only for a moment.

"Well…." She started, her tone a bit more subdued. "Maybe you don't, but it doesn't mean I have to make it easy for you."

Oh. Did I hear that correctly? Hachiman was momentarily surprised.

"True. You never made things simple for me." He said with a dejected tone.

Ignoring his exaggerated complaint, she returned to the topic.

"Anyway, I suppose I should thank little Komachi." She conceded, her voice softening.

She added. "Though I hardly believe this level of fussing is necessary."

"Fussing?" Hachiman feigned offense, pressing a hand to his chest dramatically. "I will have you know, this is merely the bare minimum when it comes to taking care of a sickly kitten like yourself."

Yukino turned red in embarrassment, and she leveled him with a withering glare that held no real heat. "...I am not a kitten, Hikigaya."

"Could have fooled me." He chuckled, relishing the opportunity to tease her. "With that oversized sweater and those adorable bedhead tresses, you are practically begging for the comparison."

Yukino opened her mouth, no doubt to deliver a scathing retort, but seemed to think better of it. Instead, she simply shook her head, a ghost smile playing at the corners of her lips.

However, her gaze sharpened as she seemed to catch onto something in my expression.

"Hikigaya, your eyes seem to look more dead than usual." She remarked, her tone carrying its usual bluntness, but I could sense a hint of concern etched within.

Hachiman averted his gaze, suddenly feeling exposed under her scrutiny.

"...I guess dealing with people is not like being in the background." He muttered, not quite answering her unspoken question.

Yukino's brow furrowed, but she didn't press the issue as she pushed it away as his usual grumbling.

"You should have simply stayed as you were then." She said, a note of finality in her voice as she turned her head away.

"Welp, it's too late now." He conceded with a shrug, raising my hands in surrender.


[To be continued…]


[Author Reminder : 5+chapters advance in Patreon.]
