Did I Fall Asleep?




[-Third Person View-]

"Thank you, Yuigahama. You didn't have to go into such trouble."

"Of course I did!" Yui insisted, her tone leaving no room for argument.

"You are my best friend, Yukinon. I would do anything for you."

A comfortable silence settled over the room as the weight of her words hung in the air, their bond laid bare in those simple yet deep sentiments.


[-After Forty Minutes-]


[Yukinoshita's POV]

"Hey, Yukinon? Maybe I should just stay for the night?"

Yuighama's sudden question caught me off guard, as she stood by the entrance, having decided to leave just a moment ago.

"...ah…?" I stuttered, surprised by her proposition.

However, another thought crossed my mind - the 'shameless' guest already occupying my apartment.

"....." In the end, I couldn't respond to Yuigahama's question.

"Yukinon?" Yuigahama came close to my dazed face, checking whether I was attentive or not.

"Yukinon? You look pale. I know it! You're still not fully recovered, so maybe..." Yuigahama began with concern, lacing her voice.

"No." I interjected too quickly, deflecting her suggestion.

"Actually, Yui, I think it's best if I get some rest alone tonight."

I felt bad brushing her off like that as Yui's face fell slightly. "Oh...yeah, of course. You should get some sleep."

Recognizing my unresponsiveness, she kindly accepted my decision and began to put on her shoes.

Feeling guilty, I called out gently. "Yuigahama..."

"Yes?" She looked up expectantly.

"It's difficult for me right now. But I will definitely rely on you someday. Thank you..."

Yuigahama gave me a warm smile. "Yukinon...anytime. Just let me know when you need me."

"Sure, but for now, I could use a little time to myself to decompress so…"

She nodded in understanding. "Okay, I will wait for that day then, Yukinon."

"Thank you..."

"No need!" With a sudden motion, she surprised me by pulling me into a quick hug. "I will leave now. Feel better, Yukinon!"


"...." Yuigahama left, leaving me 'alone' with my thoughts.

What am I even doing, fooling the only person I could refer to as a friend? And the reason was someone who pushed me to build that relationship in the first place.


What had happened between Yuigahama and Hikigaya after I left that day?

I don't see any friction. In fact, I think Yuigahama seems more clear than anything about her current status with him, and the same goes for Hikigaya.

Maybe hanging Hikigaya upside down and shaking him until he reveals his secrets sounds like a decent plan to me.

In the next moment, I shook my head, questioning the ethicality of my own ideas. It seemed some of her questionable influence had rubbed off on me during our time together.

Turning, I made my way back down the hallway, thoughts lingering on what Hikigaya could possibly be up to alone in the guest room for an hour and a half.

He was probably bored to death.


When I reached the door, I rapped my knuckles against it.

"...." Silence greeted me from within.


A wrinkle appeared between my eyebrows as I knocked again, louder this time.

"....." Still no answer.

Calming down, I decided to wait him out and leaned against the wall beside the entryway, arms wrapped across my chest.


A whole minute went by.

Deciding to end my patience, I tried to twist the handle of the door, hoping it was left unlocked.

These were the humiliations I had to suffer in my own home.

–click(:door unlocked)

How unguarded? He didn't even lock the door.


I pushed the door open ever so slowly for some reason, not wanting to cause a sound, but regardless of my thoughts, the door did its deed.


However, somehow even that did not manage to get a response from the supposed person.

Moving inside cautiously, I took a few silent steps forward, and there he was, the object of my aggravation - doing exactly what I had begun to suspect.

He really fell asleep!

Hikigaya was sound asleep, stretching his full body and lying towards his right side, leaving the bed alone.

I couldn't decide if I was more amazed or frustrated by his ability to commit the most bizarre, uncouth acts.

Just how could he behave in such an unthinkably inappropriate way?

…..and yet, shockingly, I didn't feel the flare of anger I may have expected.

He not only has the audacity to invite himself into a woman's house like some stray cat but also shamelessly demands shelter, only to then treat my space as if it were his own.

At the very least, given the undisturbed state of the room, he appeared to have the basic decency not to pollute my belongings.

"Isn't he making himself at home a little extreme?"

With an annoyed grumble, I flicked on the lights, hoping the harsh light exposure would finally rouse him.

He only frowned and rolled over, hiding his face in the pillow to block out the interruption.


Clearly, I had no choice but to take matters into my own hands.

"Hikigaya..." I called out sternly.

And, almost sure that once wasn't enough, I tried to call him again.



However, his voice was thick with sleep as his eyes finally blinked open in bleary confusion.

?!...Huh? He woke up?

"Did I fall asleep? I am sorry, I was kinda tired from dealing with everything at the meeting today..." He mumbled, rubbing his eyes roughly.

"What meeting? There isn't a committee meeting scheduled for today…." I asked, taken aback by the news.

That was the main reason I even took the leave today. There is no way I would have left him alone, knowing his capabilities in such things…

"Oh, something came up, and the meeting had to be pushed forward today." He did a light stretch as he sat still on the bed.

They didn't give him a tough time, right?

"But no worries, the vice captain of the service club handled everything." Hikigaya added, pointing his thumb finger at his chest.

….Never mind.

"Just get up and wash up before you fall into your eternal slumber." I ordered, in no mood for his usual excuses.

"Don't mind if I do." He whispered agreeably as he pushed himself upright.

Huh? That was simple. Such easy submission was almost more alarming than resistance.

"I will be waiting in the hallway." I informed him, turning on my heel to give him privacy.

"Yukinoshita." He called out, stopping me.

I tensed, sensing his cooperation had been suspiciously smooth so far.

He continued. "Don't you know the courtesy of offering a snack to your guest?"

I did offer the strawberries, but he hadn't gotten the chance to eat them, so I suppose that doesn't count?

Swinging back to face him, one hand on my hip, I fixed him with a sharp gaze. "Are you hungry?"

He had the nerve to look apologetic. "...Kinda... and I also want to eat something made by you."

Even when he was barely awake, he couldn't resist trying to annoy me with his unnecessary comments.

"Finish up and come to the hallway." I commanded, shutting down his suggestive request.

"Thanks..." He muttered, too tired to do more than stammer his insincere gratitude.

I never agreed to your demands, so you should stop thanking me.

….Huh? I wanted to say that out, but for some reason I couldn't.


[-After Ten Minutes-]


I lounged peacefully on the couch in the living room when Hikigaya's muffled voice called out again.

"Oi, Yukinoshita! Do you have any spare clothes I can borrow?"

I squeezed my eyes shut as irritation and annoyance grew in my temples.

Why did everything have to be so difficult for him?

"Check the hall closet." I replied through gritted teeth, not even bothering to look back.

There was a pause, followed by the sound of the closet door opening. "...There's nothing in here but a bunch of yukatas."

"Those will have to do." I said flatly, finally stepping into the living room.

If he was going to be this troublesome, he could run around in traditional robes for all I cared.

Maybe then he would learn a bit of humility.

"That was a terrible joke." Hikigaya muttered, his voice carrying him all the way to the hallway.

"I wasn't joking." I snapped.

Hikigaya emerged from the hallway, still clad in his rumpled school uniform from earlier.

He held up his hands in surrender. "Alright, I lost this round. No need to get all bent out of shape."

I opened my mouth to protest his flippant attitude, but he trudged past me into the living room before I could get a word out.

I watched as he flopped down onto the couch, kicking his feet up on the ottoman.

"Well? Aren't you going to offer your guests some hospitality?" He gave me a pointed look over the back of the sofa.

"Maybe some tea and snacks?"(Hachiman)

I stared at him, utterly nonplussed by his presumptuousness. He simply raised an expectant eyebrow in return.

"....you were here because I was sick, right?" I reminded him, forcing my voice to remain level.

"So, why don't you cook something for yourself, and maybe I can have a bit too..." I trailed off.

Hikigaya blinked at me, clearly not expecting that response.

Then, to my surprise, he simply shrugged. "Sure, if you're not feeling up to it."

My smile widened as I nodded. "Alright then, get moving."


[To be continued…]


[Author Reminder : 8+chapters advance in Patreon.]
