I Don’t Get It. 




[Third Person View]

As the door clicked shut, Hachiman walked away with a little spring in his step.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the door, Yukino let out a breath she didn't know she'd been holding.

Sinking back onto her bed, Yukino hugged a pillow tightly to her chest, burying her face in its soft embrace.

Her mind raced, replaying their conversation on loop.

"I don't get it…"

"I really don't get it."

She murmured, frustration mounting.

Flashes of their conversation replayed in her mind – the suggestive nature of his replies, the way his gaze had seemed to burn right through her with an intensity she couldn't place.

It all felt like a fever dream.

"What is that person thinking?"

"I don't get it at all."

"What does he think of me?"

Deep down, she kinda knew the answer to that one. However, it only led to the million-yen question.

"Beyond that...what do I think of him?"

The question gave her pause, forcing her to confront the confusing swirl of emotions that his very presence seemed to trigger.

She couldn't help but recall how easily he had gotten under her skin with that annoyingly casual attitude of his.

One second she was in complete control, toying with him through bold provocation and subtle hints.

The next, the tables had turned, and she found herself flustered and off-kilter, struggling to maintain her composure.

A gasping breath escaped her lips as she slowly opened her eyes, finally allowing the mild light to break the darkness.

"...." Staring at the ceiling, she felt entirely disconnected, drifting in a sea of unknown feelings and stormy impulses she couldn't grasp.

"What am I supposed to do?" The thought hit her like a ton of bricks, leaving her stomach in knots. "With him... with any of this?"

For the first time in her life, Yukino was completely lost. Everything she thought she knew about herself, about dealing with people - it all went out the window when it came to Hikigaya.

"And how." She groaned, burying her face in the pillow. "Did I end up falling for such an idiot like him?"

She sat up slowly, still clinging to the pillow like it was keeping her from floating away. Trying as she might to keep up her disapproving act, a tiny smile crept onto her face as she thought about their latest back-and-forth.

As her mind kept spinning, exhaustion finally caught up.

Yukino slowly drifted off to sleep.


[-Next Day-]


The digital alarm clock on Yukino's nightstand flashed at [6:30] AM.

The sun's early rays began to seep through the gaps in her navy blue curtains.

She stirred, her eyelids fluttering open, and was immediately greeted by a dull throb behind her temples.

As consciousness fully took hold, the events of the previous night came rushing back with startling clarity. Her eyes snapped open, her face flushing instantly.

'Falling for such an idiot?' She muttered, mortified.

The phrase echoed in her mind, refusing to be silenced. She groaned, burying her face in her pillow as if to smother the very thought.

The cool fabric offered momentary relief against her burning cheeks but did nothing to quiet her racing thoughts.

For exactly two minutes and seventeen seconds, she lay there, trying to hide the reality of her newfound feelings.

Finally, with a frustrated huff, she threw back her pale blue comforter and swung her legs over the side of the bed.

Her bare feet met the cool hardwood floor as she stood, stretching her arms above her head, her oversized sleep shirt riding up slightly to reveal a strip of pale skin.

Shaking her head vigorously, her long black hair whipping around her face, Yukino attempted to physically dislodge the persistent thoughts of Hachiman.

She padded to her ensuite bathroom, wincing slightly at her reflection in the mirror - flushed cheeks, slightly mussed hair, and a wild look in her usually composed eyes.

She went through her morning routine mechanically, her usual grace slightly off-kilter as she attempted to steel herself both physically and mentally.

She fumbled with her toothbrush, nearly dropped her face wash, and had to redo her uniform bow twice before getting it right.

All the while, her mind raced, strategizing how to face the day - and more importantly, how to face him.

At [7:15] AM, just as she was about to step out of her apartment, her phone chimed.

Yukino's heart skipped a beat when she saw two notifications from the same person - Hikigaya Hachiman.

Even before she even checked who the person that sent the message she already knew. There is only one person who sends a message to her this early in the morning.

….even Yui has more consciousness to not disturb her in the morning.

With slightly unresponsive fingers, she unlocked the screen to find two notifications from the expected person.

The first was a simple 'Good night' sent at [11:43] PM the previous evening, which she had missed in her emotional turmoil.

The second, timestamped [7:14] AM, read, 'Morning. See you at school.'

Those few words were enough to bring everything crashing back.

Her face heated up instantly, and the blush spread down her neck and to the tips of her ears. She could practically feel steam rising from her head, and her body temperature was spiking noticeably.

Frustrated at her own reaction.

With a small 'tch' of annoyance, Yukino stomped her right foot, the sound echoing in the empty hallway of her apartment building.

The heel of her school shoe left a small scuff on the polished floor.

She stared at her phone for exactly 47 seconds before finally typing out a reply.

"Good morning. See you at school." Her thumb hovered over the send button for another 5 seconds before she finally pressed it, watching the blue 'delivered' check mark appear with a mix of relief and apprehension.

Taking a deep breath that expanded her chest and straightened her posture, Yukino smoothed down her skirt one last time.

She took one final look in the hallway mirror, adjusting a stray strand of hair, before opening her apartment door.

As she locked up, the key turning with a soft click, Yukino couldn't help but wonder what the day would bring.

How would she manage to face Hachiman after her late-night epiphany?

The thought sent another wave of warmth to her cheeks as she stepped into the elevator.



As Yukino descended the staircase, her long black hair swaying gracefully, she spotted Hachiman a few steps below.

Her heart raced, but her face remained a mask of cool indifference. She looked down at him, unconsciously arranging her hair.

"Hey there, Hikigaya." She spoke, her tone carefully neutral despite the storm of emotions inside her.

"Yo, Yukino….shita." He replied, his usual deadpan expression in place.

Which. She didn't like it for some reason.

Nonetheless, a barely guessable silence hung between them for a moment before Yukinoshita spoke again.

"I see you have taken to sending unnecessary messages now." She remarked, trying to sound dismissive.

Hikigaya shrugged. "Just being sociable. Isn't that what you're always nagging me about?"

Yukino's eyes narrowed slightly. "I don't nag. I merely point out areas where you could improve... which are numerous."

"How kind of you." He replied dryly. "Always thinking of others."

She felt her cheeks warm slightly. "Someone has to. You certainly don't think of yourself."

"Is that so?" Hachiman said, a hint of amusement in his voice.

She just realised the word she said and what its implication could be.

Yukino huffed, trying to ignore the flutter in her stomach. "Don't mistake it for concern. It's purely practical. Your lack of social grace reflects poorly on the Service Club."

As she stepped past him, Hachiman muttered. "Whatever you say, Lady Ice Queen."

Yukino paused, looking back at him. For a brief moment, their eyes met, and she felt that familiar mix of annoyance and something else she wasn't ready to name.

"We should get to class." She said finally, breaking the moment.

"Sure." Hachiman replied, gesturing ahead.

As they walked side by side, Yukino found herself hyper-aware of his presence, silently cursing the effect he had on her.

She stole a glance at him. 'An idiot.' She thought.

'But perhaps... an exclusive idiot.' The thought made her cheeks flush again, and she quickened her pace, leaving a slightly confused Hachiman to catch up.

Meanwhile, Hachiman stole glances at her, wondering about the slight pink tinge to her cheeks and the way she seemed more flustered than usual.



[To be continued…]


[Author Reminder : 6+chapters advance in Patreon.]
