We all know the story of the Solar system. How the stars came to exist because of how it serves a cause, and how each Planet holds a story.A lot ask questions about this supposed Planets; Like
Why does Mecury have a rough surface? Why is Venus smaller than earth? Why does Jupiter have so so So many moons? Why does Mars have extinct volcanoes? Why does my earthling brothers have a lot of smug? Why is Uranus known as the Ice-giant? Why does Neptune take 165 days to Orbit? Why does Saturn have a ring on it? What if god decided to put a ring on it? What if all my guessed theories are wrong as a Narrator? What if my Theories are rightly absolute? What if everything is connected and we just don't know that?
The question is always WHY? But what about the human earth? What of it's story, and why does it need to be re-written? What if the first page of the human Planet starts fom a small town in America? What if the story has something to do with the hidden Gaurdians of the Latin world? And what if those hidden Gaurdians are From the Ostrum Family who carries a forbidden legacy? What if that Gaurdian is a Teenage girl Known as Eli(Elizabeth Ostrum)? Why does she have a mind of Curiousity? Why of all places Latin? Why does she have four moronic Earthling Brothers?
So now the question will be Will our Protagonist deny her Destiny? Will she mess things up? Will she rule the world by using her Powers for Good? Or will she Keep Waking up around 7:41am only to get to school at 8:24am?