The Betrothed's Quarters

As the car pulled up to the grand estate, Feng Ruoxi stepped out, her expression cool and composed. Beside her, Jiang Yukang exuded an air of aloof indifference, his handsome features betraying no emotion.

They made their way to the spacious living room, where the villa staff stood at attention, awaiting their arrival. Jiang Yukang gestured towards Feng Ruoxi, his voice level and authoritative.

"This is Feng Ruoxi, your new mistress. I expect you all to treat her with the utmost respect and attend to her needs without question."

The staff bowed in unison, their voices ringing out in a chorus of polite greetings.

"Welcome, Madam Jiang. It is an honor to serve you."

Feng Ruoxi surveyed the room, her gaze impassive. "I appreciate your welcome. I hope we can all work together harmoniously."

Jiang Yukang turned to one of the maids. "Show Madam Jiang to her room and ensure her belongings are unpacked and properly arranged."

The maid nodded quickly. "Right away, Young Master. Please, follow me, Madam Jiang."

Feng Ruoxi spared a glance at Jiang Yukang, her expression unreadable. "And where will you be staying, Young Master Jiang?"

Jiang Yukang's brow quirked slightly. "In my own room, of course. What did you expect?"

Feng Ruoxi's lips curled into a faint, sardonic smile. "I see. I merely thought that, as my 'husband-to-be,' you might prefer to stay with me."

Jiang Yukang's gaze hardened, his jaw tightening imperceptibly. "I have my own affairs to attend to. You will have your own room and privacy. I trust you can manage on your own."

Feng Ruoxi inclined her head, her tone dripping with nonchalance. "As you wish. I wouldn't want to impose on your schedule."

The maid cleared her throat nervously, sensing the tension in the air. "Madam Jiang, if you'll please follow me?"

Feng Ruoxi nodded and turned to follow the maid, leaving Jiang Yukang alone in the living room. As she walked, her mind raced with a thousand thoughts, each one more complex than the last.

Once inside the luxurious bedroom, Feng Ruoxi took a moment to survey her surroundings. The room was spacious, tastefully decorated, and exuded an air of refined elegance. Her gaze fell upon the king-sized bed, and she couldn't help but wonder if Jiang Yukang truly intended to keep his distance.

The maid, sensing Feng Ruoxi's unease, spoke up hesitantly. "Madam Jiang, is everything to your liking? If there's anything you need, please don't hesitate to let me know."

Feng Ruoxi turned to the maid, her expression softening ever so slightly. "Thank you. For now, I'd just like some time to myself."

The maid bowed respectfully. "Of course, Madam. I'll leave you to settle in." With that, she quietly slipped out of the room, closing the door behind her.

Alone now, Feng Ruoxi allowed herself a moment of introspection. She had come a long way, from being a skilled spy to becoming the betrothed of one of the most powerful young men in the country. Yet, the weight of her newfound status felt more like a burden than a triumph.

Her thoughts were interrupted by the chime of her phone, signaling an incoming message. Pulling it out, she couldn't help but feel a twinge of relief when she saw the familiar name on the screen.

"Xiao Zheng," she murmured, quickly tapping out a response.

As she was engrossed in her conversation, the door to the bedroom suddenly opened, and Jiang Yukang strode in, his gaze fixed on Feng Ruoxi.

"Who was that?" he asked, his tone clipped and direct.

Feng Ruoxi looked up, her expression unperturbed. "No one of your concern."

Jiang Yukang's eyes narrowed, his jaw tightening. "I'm making it my concern. You're my fiancée now, and I expect full transparency."

Feng Ruoxi arched a brow, her lips curving into a faint, sardonic smile. "Is that so? I was under the impression that you had your own affairs to attend to. Or have you decided to make me your sole focus?"

Jiang Yukang's lips pressed into a thin line, and for a moment, Feng Ruoxi could see a flicker of annoyance in his eyes. "Don't test my patience, Feng Ruoxi. I'm not in the mood for games."

Feng Ruoxi leaned back, her gaze unwavering. "And I'm not in the mood to be interrogated. If you have a problem with me, then I suggest you take it up with your grandfather. After all, he's the one who arranged this 'engagement' in the first place."

Jiang Yukang's jaw clenched, and Feng Ruoxi could see the subtle muscle twitching in his cheek. "My grandfather's decision is final. You're my fiancée, and that's not going to change. So you'd do well to remember your place."

Feng Ruoxi's eyes narrowed, a spark of defiance flashing in their depths. "My place, is it? Well, let me be clear, Jiang Yukang. I'm not some trophy wife you can parade around to satisfy your family's ambitions. I'm my own person, with my own life and my own responsibilities."

She paused, her gaze unwavering. "If you think you can just order me around and expect me to obey, then you're sorely mistaken. I'll cooperate with this arrangement, but only on my own terms."

Jiang Yukang's expression darkened, and for a moment, Feng Ruoxi thought she had pushed him too far. But then, to her surprise, a hint of amusement flickered in his eyes.

"You're quite the spirited one, aren't you, Madam Jiang?" he murmured, a faint smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "I admit, I find that rather... intriguing."

Feng Ruoxi blinked, caught off guard by his unexpected reaction. "Intriguing, is it?" she replied, her own lips curving into a small, sardonic smile. "Well, I suppose that's better than 'infuriating.'"

Jiang Yukang chuckled, a low, deep rumble that sent an unexpected shiver down Feng Ruoxi's spine. "We'll see, won't we?" he said, his gaze holding hers.

The air between them was thick with tension, a subtle dance of wills and unspoken challenges. Feng Ruoxi found herself inexplicably drawn to the man before her, despite her best efforts to maintain her aloof indifference.

Jiang Yukang cleared his throat, breaking the charged silence. "As for your sleeping arrangements, you'll be staying here. In fact, you'll be sharing my room from tonight onwards, Madam Jiang."

Feng Ruoxi felt her heart skip a beat, but she refused to let it show. "Is that so? And what if I refuse?"

Jiang Yukang's lips curved into a faint, sardonic smile. "You don't have a choice. As my fiancée, it's only proper that we share a room."

Feng Ruoxi's eyes narrowed, a spark of defiance flashing in their depths. "I hardly think 'proper' is the word I would use to describe this arrangement, Young Master Jiang."

Jiang Yukang chuckled, the sound low and deep. "Feisty as ever, I see. Well, you'd better get used to it, Madam Jiang. Because from now on, we'll be sharing a lot more than just a room."

Feng Ruoxi felt a shiver run down her spine at his words, and she knew in that moment that her carefully constructed walls were beginning to crumble. Jiang Yukang was a force to be reckoned with, and she found herself inexplicably drawn to him, despite her better judgment.