Vengeance Unleashed II

The air hung heavy with the acrid stench of gunpowder and death, a palpable miasma that seemed to cling to every surface within the dilapidated warehouse. Feng Ruoxi's footsteps echoed through the cavernous space, each stride carrying her deeper into the heart of the Xiao family's illicit empire.

In her hand, she gripped a gun – a weapon she had claimed from one of the fallen enforcers, its weight a grim reminder of the path she had chosen. Her knuckles were white, her grip tightening around the cold metal as she advanced, her senses heightened to a razor's edge.

The trail of bodies she had left in her wake was a testament to her lethal prowess, a silent proclamation that she was not to be trifled with. Each life she had claimed was a necessary sacrifice, a pound of flesh exacted in the name of justice – or so she told herself, her mind steeling itself against the whispers of doubt that threatened to creep in.