Clash of Titans

The silence of the night enveloped the opulent offices of Jiang Group like a velvet shroud, the dimly lit corridors casting long, eerie shadows that danced across the polished marble floors. In the heart of this fortress of power and wealth, Jiang Yukang sat ensconced in his lavishly appointed office, brow furrowed in concentration as he pored over the latest financial reports.

A sharp rap at the door shattered the tranquil stillness, causing Jiang Yukang to glance up with a frown. Before he could even issue a response, the heavy oak portal swung open with a resounding thud, admitting a figure whose very presence seemed to crackle with barely restrained arrogance.

"Well, well," the intruder drawled, his lips curving into a sinister smirk as he sauntered into the room, hands shoved deep into the pockets of his impeccably tailored suit. "If it isn't the great Jiang Yukang himself, burning the midnight oil as always."