The Clash Of Titans III

The roar of gunfire and the cries of the wounded filled the air as the brutal battle raged on within the warehouse's confines. Xiao Zheng watched in stunned disbelief as the two opposing patriarchs, Xiao Mingyuan and the Chen family leader, made their retreat amid the chaos.

Luo Ting's voice cut through the pandemonium, her words laced with a frantic urgency. "Mingyuan! We must leave this place, now!"

Xiao Mingyuan's eyes burned with a reluctant fury, his gaze sweeping over the melee as his own men fought tooth and nail against the Chen enforcers and the masked kingpin's elite soldiers. For a moment, it seemed as though he would refuse, his pride and thirst for vengeance overriding any sense of self-preservation.

But then, his shoulders sagged, a weary resignation settling over his features as he nodded curtly. "Fall back!" he bellowed, his voice barely audible over the deafening roar of the battle. "Fall back and regroup!"