Grave Consequences

Xiao Mingyuan let his piercing gaze sweep over the assembled members of his family's inner circle. For a long moment, an expectant hush lingered in the opulent sitting room.

Then, from the back of the gathered crowd, Luo Ting stepped forward. Her elegant features were set in a mask of grim determination as she moved to stand at Xiao Mingyuan's side.

"You have my loyalty until the Jade Emperor himself drags me to the Black Eternity," she stated in a clear, unwavering voice. "The masked one shall rue the day he struck against my family's interests."

Xiao Mingyuan stiffened as a low, tinny buzz suddenly issued forth, swiftly resolving into the unmistakable tones of an incoming video call. He felt his blood run cold as the all-too-familiar triple-circle emblem of the masked kingpin's faction flickered onto the antique screen adorning the sitting room wall.