Xiao Mingyuan's Death

At last, she found herself in the heart of the compound, the opulent living quarters where the Xiao family gathered – a gilded cage that would soon become their tomb.

Xiao Mingyuan and Xiao Zheng emerged from the shadows, their weapons raised and leveled at Feng Ruoxi's lithe form.

"So, you're the one who's been causing all this trouble," Xiao Mingyuan growled, his voice laced with a venom that sent a shiver racing down Feng Ruoxi's spine. "I must admit, I'm impressed. But your little rampage ends here."

Feng Ruoxi's laughter was cold and devoid of mirth, more akin to the whisper of a mortician's caress. "We'll see about that," she murmured, her deep voice laced with threads of iron and steel as she slipped into a combat stance, her eyes narrowing into dangerous slits.