Ruined Date

Feng Meiling's eyes widened, her features contorting into a mask of barely contained humiliation as she realized the precarious position she had placed herself in. This was supposed to be her chance to impress Pang Zhong, to prove herself worthy of his attention and affection – and yet, she had allowed her petty jealousy and resentment towards Feng Ruoxi to cloud her judgment.

Before she could formulate a response, Feng Ruoxi's voice cut through the fraught atmosphere, laced with a deadly promise that sent a shiver racing down her cousin's spine.

"Enough of this nonsense," she declared, her eyes burning with smoldering embers of defiance that seemed to defy the very laws of nature itself. "In case you've forgotten, dear cousin, I am a married woman – happily betrothed to one of the most powerful men in this city. Why on earth would I care about seducing some random stranger in a jewelry boutique?"