scrap battle

Although the entire staff and many officers, including great admirals, were in the room, the first voice that was heard, the first logical order in the midst of the chaos and the screams of pain and panic, was that of Aeneas.

The cadet did not look back to see who was following him; he only managed to grab his grandfather's arm and lift him off the ground. With the first impact, the debris fell on the stage, and Zeus could only jump, hitting the ground hard.

"Are you OK?"

"I've been better, but I can continue"

Aeneas was forging a relationship with his grandfather; there was no genuine love yet, but the germ of sincere concern and affection was being born between the two.

When Aeneas activated his pilot suit and equipment, those who followed him understood his intentions and did the same. They ran through the hallways of the academy while the shots and impacts shook the entire structure,