wrong tactics

Grand Admiral Odin was chosen as leader of the great defense fleet that would go out to intercept the enemy fleet of more than four hundred destroyers. Despite the overwhelming enemy fleet, they outnumbered the human ships four to one. The prospects were not bad; with Pandora's renewal of the human ships, the power of the battleships had taken a qualitative leap, the combat power really seemed to be on the side of the human fleet.

While the fleet set out without delay to intercept the enemy advancing from the outer rim systems, Odysseus would be responsible for organizing the second line of defense, with the rest of the ships that were too far away in the inner circle to join the main force. , it was a normal forecast, the combat could be arduous, and from what the spy ships said, the enemies were not deploying in the systems they were passing through; it was not a mission of conquest; it was a shock force.