A fun game

Even though the fire was not real, even though it was a practice, even though they knew that nobody was going to die, the situation was so real that for many of the cadets it was the first time they were in a real crisis situation. Bewilderment, doubts, the shock of the siren ship's attack, made many of them not know how to react or they did so by simply following the rest of their colleagues like automatons.

But Aterax had lived a lot as a doctor, as a surgeon, and as a person. On an operating table and no matter how much medicine had advanced, something could always go wrong, a damaged artery, a previous illness that was showing up at that moment, anything could complicate something that seemed complicated, it was not even unusual for the patient to die in the hands of the doctors without them being able to do anything. And vitally, the loss of his loved ones when he was at the top of his career had shaped his mentality.