
"I have to kill the Slimes as well..." Lucian spoke as he stood up from the bed and started walking towards the exit door.

But, suddenly... He turned around, picked up the watch from the bed and placed it inside his pocket.

"I have already wasted my money on it... Why not keep it ?" Lucian spoke as he exited the room and Locked it.

As he went down stairs, Lucian gave the keys to the Tavern's manager. He then exited the Tavern and started walking towards the Slime Forest.

As Lucian was walking towards the forest, He decided to give the watch another look.

He took out the pocket watch and looked at it... But, the watch wasn't working and it was still stuck on 12:00.

"Why would someone hide a watch under a table and that too in such a complex box ?" Lucian questioned as he continued to look at the watch.

"Excuse me ?" Suddenly, Someone called out from behind.

Lucian turned around and noticed a party Standing behind him.

There were three girls inside the party, Two Elfs and One Human. All of them looked delicious to Lucian.

"Yes ?" Lucian asked.

"Are you going to the forest of Slimes, Too ?" The human girl asked.

"Yeah... Why ?" Lucian asked.

"Hey, We shouldn't take a male with us." The Elven girl spoke from behind.

"Yeah, Yeah... Sister is right, Human males are nothing but sex crazed monkeys." Another Elf Girl spoke up.

"Hahaha... I am sorry, Both of them are a little loose in the head. Hi, I am melody. I am an Archer and these two are my bestfriends... These guys are Archers as well." Melody spoke as she pointed towards the Elven girls.

"Umm... If you want to form a party with me. Then, I can't... I am sorry." Lucian spoke with a smile.

'I will go and join someone else's party but these arrogant elven bitches, Never. She called me a fucking sex crazed money... Maybe they want to file a fake rape case against me and get money out of me. I can't get scammed.' Lucian thought as he immediately started walking away.

"Looks, Like you didn't get him..." An Elf girl spoke from behind.

"Well, How am I going to get someone into our party, IF YOU ARE GOING TO KEEP CALLING EVERYONE SEX CRAZED MONKEYS ?" She started shouting on the Elven girls but Lucian escaped.

After walking for about 30 minutes, Lucian finally reached near the forest.

"It takes me about 1 hour to reach here and go back... That's time waste. But, If I got that horned horse... I can travel the same distance in about 15 minutes. Because it runs too fast... I have to find out their prices, when I get back." Lucian spoke with a serious expression.

"Mr. Lucian.... Over here." Suddenly, A familiar voice resounded from the north direction.

Lucian immediately turned around and noticed, Sylvie standing there with a party of 5.

"Ah... Hi." Lucian Smiled and waved his hand towards her.

Suddenly, All of them started walking towards Lucian.

"Now, They will also tell me to join their party." Lucian spoke in a very low voice.

"Hello, Hello..." Sylvie spoke as she immediately raised her hand toward Lucian for a handshake.

"Hi..." Lucian Shaked hands with her, but suddenly... A guy with big axe also raised his hand towards Lucian.

"Hello..." He spoke.

"Hi." Lucian replied as he Shaked hands with him as well, But suddenly.... All the other party members also raised their hands towards Lucian.

"HELLO." All of them spoke at once.

"Hi..." Lucian spoke as he slowly Shaked hands with each one of them.

"Is your head, Okay Mr. Lucian ?" Sylvie asked.

"Yeah... It's quite good now. But, I am starting fresh now, since I can't remember anything from the past." Lucian replied with a smile.

"Hope, I can forget my past..." An Archer spoke from behind.

"Brother, We don't want to bore him with your sad story. Save it for some other time." The berserk guy spoke up.

"Mr. Lucian... This is my team. I only farming with them." Sylvie spoke with a smile.

"Ah, Nice." Lucian replied with a smile.

"Mr. Lucian... You choose Mage class to start with huh ?" The berserk guy spoke as he looked at the wand in Lucian's hand.

"Yeah... I am trying to become a mage." Lucian replied with a smile.

"We all did, But you will forget about it soon very soon." A swordsman spoke from behind.


"Hey, guys... Don't be rude. Mr. Lucian is not an outsider." Sylvie spoke with a serious expression.

"What do you mean ?" Lucian asked as he looked at the Swordsman with a Confused expression.

"Let me explain... We all choose to become mages at first because it was safe and cool like that, you stand at a distance from the monsters and caste spells.

But, It didn't turned out to be that safe... Some of us forgot our spells and some misspelt the incantations.

All of us have escaped near death experiences and that's why we immediately changed our weapons to swords, axes and bows.

Every years thousands of people pass level 10 and only 5% of them pass as a mage. The survival rate of this class is so low that no one chooses it and that's why it's the highest paying job in the kingdom.

You become a Royal Mage and you will be making a shit ton of money and If you learned a healing spell... Brother, You are going to bea rich as hell.

But, those spells are so long and hard to remember that it will take you months to learn one spell. That's why... No one takes it." The Berserk guy explained.

"Why can't they just read it directly from the paper ?" Lucian asked.

"My father said that casting a spell is very hard, it needs Focus and you can't focus if you are reading it.

You can basically make more money in a short time if you just take any other class. Archer is pretty much similar too. You sit at a distance and shoot Arrows at the monster." The Archer spoke up.

'Well, Spell learning is no problem for me.' Lucian thought as a smile appeared over his face.