Simply Perfect

For a moment, time seemed to stop.

Soon, she would bend her knees and lower her body to him. 

She would squat down, and take him inside of her.

But stared into one another's eyes, savoring the moment.

The moment before they taste one another.

As the one who had been within the tribe for the longest, the female standing over the Paru had the right to get a taste first. 

The other female Graniliths wanted a taste too. They wanted to taste him, to take him, to swallow him first. To bury him within them. But they had to leave her her right. It was the way of the Graniliths.

The order is established by how long each female had been in the tribe. In other words, the first to have joined the tribe has the right to taste the Alpha first. The second to have joined the tribe has the right to taste the Alpha just after the first, and so on and so forth. 

Each female Granilith knew the order and when her particular turn was exactly.