Showering With A Beauty

Raya's left foot stepped on the edge of her right foot. Her knees pushed against one another.

She stared into the Paru's eyes as he held her by the waist with both hands.


It seemed to be the only answer.

'Is he going to kiss me?' She thought to herself calmly. 'A Species different than ours… Kissing? Is that something that they do naturally? That's unlikely. Species in the wild don't… They get straight to it. Then…?'

His hands started slowly making their way down her waist and hips. 

In doing so, his face got closer and closer to hers. 

'Too many things… Are different…' She thought to herself cooly.

Raya was an expert on the many Species of both Flora and Fauna from her Planet and the next. She had dedicated her life to the study of biology, genetics, zoology, and anatomy.

Differences between male and female counterparts within a given Species were the norm.