Shattered Crystals!

'That's something a dumbass brought. A long dead dumbass. I took it since it was already in there and because of its relatively low weight…' 

Liz dodged the Giganto Zilla's advance before shouting,

"You saw me use the other one, right?!"

The Paru tightened his grip over the weapon he had been tossed.

'Some kind of mechanical hammer? It's larger than a normal one. The grip and handle aren't much thinner than the head. Could pass as a club…'

Additionally, the design was rough and looked like it had been rushed rather obviously.

'If it's the same as that machete…'

Indeed, next to where his thumb lay on the weapon, the Paru found a small button.

And just like for the machete, holes lay on the weapon's back.

'It's on the head of the hammer here. So clicking will release that steam… Thing? It'll add some weight and kinetic energy to my hits but… Can it really-'