
The instant that the blanket covering his face came off, the Paru was greeted by Rea's body, slowly moving up his member. 

Her back was slightly curled, causing her spine to be apparent here and there. 

His gaze moved down to her tiny waist, before finding her wide hips and large bottom.

Due to her positioning, her butt was hovering in the air, pulled down by gravity, full and round. 

Her body shivered, and Rea went back down, her butt slamming against his body, causing it to ripple.

Her tightness once again wrapped around the entirety of his cock, the Paru reached forward while internally debating. 

His hand stopped midway as Rea's moved higher than ever before. 

Her lower lips gripped on every inch of him, until arriving at the swollen tip.

Mutters exited Rea's mouth as she took successive deep breaths, preparing herself.

"Alright… This is going to be…"

She prepared to take it all in at once.