Four-Way No More

"L-Let's leave!" Liz suddenly shouted.

"Ha? Why should-" 

Raya's words were interrupted as the Soldier forcefully grabbed her by the wrist. 

"There's some stuff from Serolia that I need you to run tests on! Commander's orders! Top priority!" Liz shouted as she put her underwear on.

"What? Where did this come from? Stop pulling my…!"

Raya, unable to fight off Liz, was pulled out of the bathroom and into the changing room.

Liz closed the door behind them and let out a big sigh. 

'I don't know if it's because we asked him to help wash her hair or what… But just now before we left… Lith had a look on her face…!'

Raya's eyebrow twitched with anger.

"What was that about?"

"A-As I said, you have work to do! Can't laze around in the bathroom all day!"

"What? It hasn't even been fifteen minutes!"