Night on Tyl

"Oh." Roka lowered the glass she had raised to take a sip.

"There he is!" The rest of the crewmates exclaimed, noticing the Paru right after their Commander's reaction. 

"That took a while. Done with what you had to do?"

"Yeah, not really…" The Paru scratched his cheek. "Kind of had to give up on it. Too troublesome."

"I see-"

"Uwo!" Lith exclaimed as she ran past all of them before jumping with her arms wide, hugging the Paru tightly with her feet off the ground.

"Hey." He chuckled. "I missed you too." The Paru said, patting her head. 


The blood had been washed off, but Lith could still smell it. 

She could tell that her mate had, once again, proven his superiority over all others.