Dean Qiao’s End

When Xu Feng subtly threatened to expose Zhao Kai, he nearly went into panic mode.

"Feng, you can't do that to me." He shouted with a pale expression. "If my eldest sister hears that, then she will definitely make my life hell." 

"Heh, and here I thought you were going to continue to act haughty." Xu Feng snickered coldly.

Although it was very subtle, he could easily sense his displeasure at him after seeing the suit and car. Anyone would naturally think the reason he agreed to accompany him to the birthday party was because of these benefits. 

Thus, Xu Feng didn't blame him for the misunderstanding, but that didn't mean he wouldn't get some petty revenge.

Giving Zhao Kai a fright was merely a harmless little plan. After all, if he really sought revenge, then it wouldn't be something this simple.

"Alright, it was my fault for putting up some air." Zhao Kai relented and hurriedly pleaded for mercy.