Guild Emblem

Initially, Xu Feng thought his subtle revelation of ability would impress Carmen, but never once did he expect the latter to mistake him for a developer or an admin.

Honestly, he wished that were true, but that was not the case.

"No, but if I was the developer, do you think the Reaver Guild could continue to exist?" Xu Feng shook his head and laughed. 

"True… if you were, then the Reaver Guild would have been disbanded." Carmen nodded, finding her previous question to be illogical.

No one knew who the developer or admin of the Divine World was. 

However, that didn't dampen the popularity of the game whatsoever.

In fact, the Divine World was already the most talked about in almost every place. 

This was due to its frightening immersion and the feeling of being able to live in another world— a second chance was what most dubbed the experience to be.