Delayed Death

With the unknown phenomenon of all their scouting players going offline at the same time, they each felt a chill running down their spines.

Nothing was more frightening than facing the unknown.

This was especially so when these scouters were all players they trusted. 

After all, scouting and gathering intel was something critical. They couldn't afford to put any untrustworthy folk in such an important department. 

Therefore, something must have occurred for them all to be disconnected. 

"One of Colossus' ancient skills, Delayed Death." Xu Feng suddenly explained. 

Sure enough, the look of confusion appeared on their faces. Of course, some who managed to keep their cool appeared more stoic such as Gentle Wind and Autumn Breeze.

Nevertheless, their stoic expression still couldn't escape Xu Feng's eyes. 

What they appeared on the surface might not be the truth of what they were deep inside their heart and mind.