CarnageBound Versus Xu Feng

CarnageBound was positive at this moment that the Honorary Elder was definitely on par with the Vanguard Guild Leader. 

The calmness, shrewdness, decisiveness, and even the schemes were above average. 

His calmness to appear nonchalant despite the disadvantages made it hard for him to discern his ability. His shrewdness in killing the chicken to scare the monkey was effective. His decisiveness in using his strongest attack from the get-go was impressive. 

Finally, his schemes of swindling and misleading him into believing that he was cheating resulted in this current situation. 

It was really frustrating to have been played for a fiddle by Xu Feng. 

Nevertheless, CarnageBound must admit that his opponent was indeed worthy of his presence. When he had received a sudden order to come to this plane to mess with some other guilds, he was quite taken aback.