Unexpected King

At this time, he increased his focus.

He knew at the tenth health mark, most creatures use their life-saving skills. 

Now the question was, did this wolf have any of those skills?

He stopped stabbing, and his eyes darted around the wolf's body. He tried to see for any signs of skill activation.

When the wolf's health was about to drop to 1/10, he heard a low bark from the forest behind.

This took him by surprise.

From the corner of his eyes, he spotted something shining on a tree branch deeper in the forest, making his eyes wide.

It hit him that those shiny lights were a pair of eyes.

From its small size, it seemed to belong to a small cat-sized creature that must be standing there.

Before he could inspect more, he noticed the silver wolf abnormally opening its mouth.

'F…!' He jumped back and rushed toward the forest with full might.

If it was that, he needed to run far. Many others also understood the situation like him and did the same. Their behavior confused the other players, and before they could understand the situation, the silver wolf roared.


With the sound came a shockwave. It was so strong that everyone standing within 2 meters of the silver wolf had their bodies popped up like balloons.

Their bodies splattered around in pieces. It was instant death.

Glitch, who was around the 5-10 meter mark away, went flying toward the forest and slammed into a tree.


The impact was so strong that the tree tilted to the opposite side of the collision.

Glitch clenched his teeth in pain.

He looked down and saw his chest caved in with his health dropping at a massive rate.

Not wasting time, he took 4 out of 5 remaining healing bottles and started gulping them, one after another.

Only when he finished his 4th health potion, he sighed in relief. Finally, his health stabilized at the 70-point mark.

While lying down, he looked back at the silver wolf and saw its health climbing back up to 20 percent.

He clicked his tongue and looked at the red pool all around the wolf. So much blood covered the wolf that it looked more like a red wolf than a silver wolf.

The chunky body piece made this scene more bizarre. He glanced around. Even though most of the players around the Silver Wolf died, still there were a few like him who survived.

He also noticed the last batch of players that just moved out of the canine army formation.

In total, there were still 40 players around the Silver Wolf. They did not waste time and rushed back to deal the finishing blow to the wolf. But unlike others, Glitch just lay there with his eyes open, with no movement pretending to be dead.

Once no eyes were on him, he swiftly walked into the forest.

He carefully rushed deeper into the forest while making sure not to attract any attention to him.

With the war going on, the outer area of the forest was empty.

To take extra measures, he randomly took multiple twists and turns within the forest. Once he was sure that no one was following him, he stopped running and started rolling on the forest grounds.

He covered his body with forest soil to erase his smell. Once he felt prepared enough, he began moving towards the back of the tree where he had spotted those eyes.

He started walking toward that area while looking for the small creature and finally spotted a small, pristine white creature on top of a massive branch at least 8-9 meters high.

As he looked at the creature, he blinked and rubbed his eyes. He could not believe that the young king was an arm-length pup.

"Is that king?" He looked around, trying to see if there was any other creature, but no. Out of all the creatures, he never thought the young king to be a just-born pup.

This was out of his expectations. If he remembered right, that player in his past started the event against the boars.

The creature that came out in that event was a massive boar with lots of powerful skills and destructive abilities.

Compared to that, this pup looked harmless.

For a moment, he thought it was a ploy used by the young king, but then he heard the same bark coming out of the pup's mouth.

The next moment, he heard multiple loud growls from different angles from the front of the forest.

It was like a couple of canines at the front were responding to the pup. This removed all the doubts from his mind. It was clear this pup was guiding the canine army.

Then he saw the eye-popping thing. The pup started barking and each time some canine responded. The weird point was each time it was different canines and from the sound of their growls, each of them was present in different areas.

'Is this guy capable of planning?' He could not believe that in the trial he would see a beast type intelligent enough to give complicated commands.

In Universal Online, every player got to lead one species on a different path, which resulted in the game world having more than a million species.

But at the core, there were root types each species fell in.

The canine type was part of the beast type. In the initial stage of the game, each of the root types had different pros and cons.

The specialty of the beast types was their strength and acute senses, while their cons were low intelligence.

This was the reason that even if most dogs had certain physical advantages, they still got slaughtered by players who knew how to deal with them.

All of that changed with that pup. So far, it hid its presence, but if the pup started guiding, then the difficulty of killing the canine would increase tenfold.

He started shaking his head in trouble, not sure what to do. Should he call others or try to take a chance himself?