

There were looks of disbelief on the faces of the surrounding wolves. Using this confusion, he moved next to the second wolf.

It tried to move back, but he swept the pup, hitting its side. The wolf stumbled to the side a few steps and then fell to the ground, covered in blood.

He stared at the fist-sized hole in the wolf's rib with wide eyes. It perfectly matched the young king's head.

These two back-to-back deaths led to the wolves losing their sanity and having their eyes turn red.

He started laughing, provoking them more.

"Haha, come at here bastards."

The young king tried to bark something at them, but he bashed it back into the dead wolf's body, making a mess of it.



Two wolves, unable to control themselves, lunged at him with their jaws open. He turned to the side to dodge one wolf while slamming the pup straight at the second wolf's open jaws.

The wolf's fangs could not penetrate the young king's skin and broke off. Along with fangs, the wolf's lower jaw also got dislocated.

At this time, others rushed at him. With efficiency, he dealt with them one after another while using the pup as a mace.

Soon, 10 corpses lie around him with pup wriggling in his hand, covered in red blood.

He looked at the young king, expecting some reaction, but he only saw disgust on its face.

He shook his head. How could he forget this pup used thousands of canines to hide itself? There was no way a creature like that would care about those below it.

He sighed and walked away from the mess. With the young king still alive, these bodies would not disappear.

He did not want to risk attracting any of the higher-ranking canines. While moving around, he continued to bash the pup, but no matter what he tried, the maximum damage he could inflict was only 1.

He continued to try various ways, but his kicks and punches were ineffective against the silver wolf.

He tried to smash the pup's body on different surfaces, from the forest ground to tree stems and even big rocks. The result remained the same.

In the hope of doing some minimal extra damage, he even consumed his remaining strength boost potions. Nevertheless, the result did not change.

As time continued to pass, things became troublesome for him.

He started to feel tired, so he took out his 8th stamina recovery potion.

The effectiveness of stamina potions was lower than the other two, each of them giving him just 2 minutes of extra time.

With his initial stamina, he had no problem leading the player, and even when fighting with the silver wolf, he only consumed 2 potions.

He thought after a brief break in the forest, it would be easy, but even after bashing the pup for 10 minutes, he could barely decrease its health by 15 percent.

The more he beat the pup, the more he realized this guy could be an immortal general for the canine army.

He checked the time, and only 30 minutes left for the trial to end. There was no way he could kill it in time, and if that happened, it would affect his grade too much.

After all, players only gain contributions once they kill the monster, not by beating the monster.

This was the most important phase of the trial. Right now, he could kill the leftover canine to increase his grading rather than smashing this pup.

For a moment he thought about taking this pup in the war, but then he shook his head. It would be suicidal if the pup could control the canine there.

After some thought, he decided it was time to take out the big guns. 

Now the compressed magic bomb was his last option, but he doubted that the damage from bombs would kill this guy.

So far, he could only do one point of damage to it. The only possible way that came to his mind was to do damage from the inside.

He looked at the pup's mouth. So far, he had avoided that area as he did not want to find out about the pup's damage, but with a time restriction, he took the gamble.

Not rush things and he just continued to bash the pup while using this time to think about his actions.

To get ready, he took everything out of his inventory to the side. He had 2 stamina potions, 1 health recovery potion, and 1 strength boost potion left.

Then there were three grey ping-pong-sized compressed bombs. He stared at everything, and a plan soon formed in his mind. He waited for the stamina potion to diminish. The moment 2 minutes passed, he poured both stamina potions and the last strength boost potion into his mouth.

The effect of the stamina potion decreased with back-to-back consumption, so he only had 3 minutes and a few seconds before his stamina hit rock bottom.

At this time, he stopped bashing the pup and poured the health potion into his mouth. He did not swallow the potion, just kept it in his mouth.

Finally, He picked up the compressed bombs in his right hand and focused back on the pup.

After so much bashing, the pup was a little dizzy. It took some time for it to come back to its senses.

The moment it realized the situation, it tilted its head to look at Glitch.

Right at that moment, Glitch's right fist came straight at its face.

Without realizing it, the pup opened its mouth wide and bit his fist.

Glitch dropped the pup to the ground, and before it could leave, he wrapped his left hand around the pup's mouth.

The pup looked at him in confusion. He smiled at it and opened his fingers, dropping three balls into the pup's mouth.

For the first time, he saw fear in the pup's eyes.

It frantically tried to shake itself out. At this, Glitch started pushing his fist right into the young king's throat.

The young king changed tactics and bit his arm as hard as possible, trying to rip it out of his body.

Glitch felt his muscles slicing and even his bones screeching. He clenched his teeth, enduring the pain.

His health started to go down. Still, he did not consume the potion, waiting for the bomb's 10-second counter to end.

Both the young king and Glitch continued to roll around, desperately struggling, one wanting to get away while the other tried his best to not let it go.

As the counter was about to end, Glitch even saw tears in the young king's eyes.

To that, he smiled back with a bloody mouth and swallowed the recovery potion.

The timer hit 0.