Alpha squad

Glitch stared at both Shakhans and shook his head.

There was no point in naming each of them. There were only two of them for now, but within a few days, there would be tens of them. He couldn't bother naming each of them. It was much better to give them some position.

He thought for some time and said to them, "From now on, you guys are part of Alpha Squad."

He pointed to the taller Shakhan. "You are number one from the Alpha Squad," he turned to the second Shakhan. "You are number two."

Both of the Shakhans nodded their heads.

The first, taller Shakhan, slammed its fist on its chest and said in a crude, thick voice, "Xeyuw" [Chei...f].

The second guy looked at its brethren and did the same.

Glitch looked at them with wide eyes. Even though these guys could not speak much, their thick voices sent chills through him. "Damn, I need to teach these guys how to talk."