The first task from Union

Lark nodded his head in enthusiasm. "Okay, boss, get ready for teleportation."

Glitch gave the thumbs up. "Go for it."

The familiar notification popped up in front of him.

[Teleportation in process. Timer: (30 sec) (Note: Any movement of position would cancel the teleport.)]

Soon the timer hit 0, and a bright light engulfed him.


Glitch opened his eyes and found himself back in a small, dark alley filled with a few rats. 

Now there was a limitation to going into the space village. First, just like when logging out, he needed to present in a safe area, but then Lark could only teleport him back to the city, not next to Number One. 

This was a thing every ruler needed to be careful of.

If they logged out while they were in their space village and their creatures were moving somewhere at that time, then they needed to come back and once again log out and log back into the game world. To move next to their creature.