Don't buy

Kami: Don't waste time on boring stuff! 

Uncle_404: Ok guys, so after you remove the chat screen, look back at the home screen. On the home page, you will see the local trending section; here you can find all the popular upcoming games for the day. Remember that all the ranked games start at the same time, at midnight. So you can only watch one at a time. To look at international games, you can change the location from the top right, next to your profile name.


Ethan looked at the homepage, and, sure enough, just below the navigation bars, there was a list of ranked games with timestamps and the names of popular players who would be part of the game.

When he clicked one game, he saw a section with all the hunter profiles who would take part in that game. 

He noticed that all the games would either happen tonight or the night after that. There was no information available about the game on the 3rd day.