Chapter 36: Family Visit

Nera pov

I hummed as I swept the front porch of Goerld's home. He wasn't much of a cleaner. And with him out, he had even less chance to do so.

"Well, I didn't know my son got himself such a cute wife," a voice called out.

I looked up and saw a red haired woman smiling back at me. Trailing behind her was a black-haired man who looked like a scarier-looking Goerld. On the man's back was a little red-haired girl.

"Huh? Karia, Ren-Ha?" I asked.

Karia giggled. "So, you remember us. Thank you for caring for our son. Is he here?"

I shook my head. "No, he is at the base."

Ren-ha's eyes widened. "Base?"

Karia crossed her arms and smiled to herself. "Seems that boy is walking down the path of his destiny without us needing to even nudge him."

I blinked. "His destiny?"

She tapped her head. "Yes, one foretold by our master. Goerld may seem like an ordinary boy, and he will play an extraordinary role."

I hummed and opened the door. "I-if you two don't mind, can I ask you a few things?"

Karia smiled. "About our son's destiny? Of course." She walked inside and looked around the place. "Seems Goelrd takes after you, Rennie."

Ren-ha grunted.

I blinked. What did Karia mean by both those things?

Karia chuckled as she glanced back at me. "You really need to practice your poker face, girl. You're like an open book."

I sighed. "So, what is this about Goerld's destiny?"

Goerld's mom sat down on the sofa and crossed her long, slender legs. "I can't say much, but what I can say is that he is to become the hero that this world and the rest of Uto needs."

"The rest of Uto?" I asked, blinking.

She raised a hand to her chin. "Indeed. All of Uto, as far as we know, is being occupied by the invaders from Titanos, our neighboring universe."

I blinked. "Neighboring?"

Karia held her hand out. Red mana flowed out of her hand and formed what looked to be a tree. On the tree were multiple large fruits.

"Uto is just one of many universes. But on the tree are several nodes on the various branches. Titanos and Uto belong to the same 'branch' and are situated next to one another. On the top of the tree lies the realm of the so-called 'angels'. But, at the bottom of the tree, beneath the branches of death, lies the dark sea. The primordial sea which gave birth to all life and one day is said to end it."

I gasped. "What?"

She nodded. "You got it. Even Uto isn't safe. If anything, they're a scarier bunch than those mechanical warriors. Even Titanos, with their massive army might not be able to handle them."

"What role does Goerld play in saving Uto?"

She snapped her fingers, causing the tree to disappear. "For now, his role is to draw closer to the invaders. It's a forgotten maxim in most of this universe, but from where Ren-ha is from, it's a common one. You must keep your enemies near and in front of you. That way, they will not dare sneak up on you."

Ren-ha closed his eyes. He wasn't a man of many words. If anything, he seemed to speak more in grunts.

"I see. I have another question. Why did you two leave him alone at such young an age?"

Karia put her hands on her left knee and sighed. "There are two reasons. The first concerns our differing paths in life. His role involves staying here. While Ren-ha's and mine was elsewhere."

"And the second?"

Ren-ha put his slumbering daughter down on the couch.

Karia closed her eyes. "The other is his father."

"Ren-ha?" I asked, glancing at him.

He turned away.

"Ren-ha... He struggles with a certain condition. A side effect of a certain stone he took from another universe."

"You've been to other universes?" I asked, in awe of them.

Ren-ha nodded.

"Yes. Ren-ha, while born in Uto, spent most of his life in the Realm of Magic. There, he researched how to extend his life. In the end, he succeeded, but at a grave cost."

"And what was that?" I asked.

Karia took a deep breath. "Ren-ha, he sometimes loses all sentience. He becomes like a deranged beast. When our son was around ten, he witnesses such a sight. The alchemic stone which gave Ren-ha his immortality and his crimson eyes would take over. The spirits of the departed whose bodies formed the stone, they would chip away at his sanity."

I gulped and glanced at Ren-ha.

The man turned away. "A man like me should've died long ago. But these spirits won't let me. They seek to exact their revenge by forcing me to destroy everything around me. I came back to Uto, thinking I could find solace her. Yet, the rage of the spirits continues. I almost killed my son. If Karia hadn't shown up in time, I would've."

I gulped. So, they left Goerld for his own safety? I glanced at the little girl.

"I've kept a closer eye on him since then," Karia said, "but our upcoming mission requires us to go our own ways. We came here to leave her with her older brother, for her own safety."

"Why not take her with you?" I asked.

Karia shook her head. "My own task is fought with danger. That's the nature of our job." She smiled at me. "You should know, Nera."

My eyes widened as I recalled memories of flames. I stood in the middle of them, looking at my blood-soaked hands. But those hands weren't mine. At least, they didn't belong to the current me.

I gripped my head and winced.

"It's alright, dear. You're not that person anymore. Although there might come a time when you will need to retake up the blade." She stood up. "While Ren-ha grew up in Xeleria, that other you grew up in Titanos. Those visions you see, they show just how gruesome Titanos is. It isn't a world where the weak can live."

Tears dripped down my face as I heard screams echo in my ears.

She patted my head and stared right into my eyes. "Nera, you're fine. That is in the past, in another lifetime."

"W-why did you show me this?" I asked, trembling.

"Because I wanted you to understand the enemy a little better. If you wish, I can seal those memories of another life, like how I sealed Goerld's memories of his father's rampage."

I gulped. "I..." What was the right thing to do? I wanted to help Goerld deal with Titanos. But I was too weak to be of much help. But these memories... they held valuable info on the enemy. Not only on the battlefield, but as a culture. If I could understand them, maybe I could draw near to the enemy as well.

She patted my head and sighed. "Don't for yourself, Nera."

"I-I'm not. I will keep them. Goerld is trying his best to win back Uto's sovereignty, to protect our way of life! If these blood-soaked memories can help him do so, then I'll gladly keep them."

"You're in love with him, aren't you?"

My cheeks reddened.

She giggled. "Do not hide it. A girl doesn't just take care of a guy who isn't related to her for free."

I looked down and gulped.

"Well, just be safe. I don't want to become a grandma just yet."

"Karia!" I yelled.

She chuckled and waved. "Please take care of Zaria until we return, okay?"

I sighed. "Alright. But you two should really talk to your son before you leave. He might not act like it, but I know he misses you."

Karia crossed her arms. "I'll think about it."

Ren-ha followed her out. As they left, the door slowly shut behind them.

Those two, they weren't a normal pair. Ren-ha had formed a stone of immortality, at the cost of many lives and his sanity. While Karia could somehow awaken and seal memories of another lifetime... Just who was this master of theirs? Why was he invested in Goerld become a hero? There were so many questions, but so little answers...

I sighed and leaned against the wall. It was clear they didn't have much of a choice. Still, I wished they could be there for Goerld, as his family.