Chapter 76: Bluffs


Arare frowned as he adjusted the device Varia had given him to aid with this mission.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"I'm not sure, but it stopped working." My brother gulped. "You don't think something bad might've happened to them, do you?"

We were deep inside the Titanos base, a labyrinthine structure of cold steel and dimly lit corridors. The air was thick with the hum of machinery, and the occasional distant thud echoed through the halls, adding to the oppressive atmosphere.

I glanced around, my eyes scanning the shadows for any sign of movement. The Titanos base was notorious for its security and traps, and the silence was unsettling.

"Let's not jump to conclusions," I said, trying to keep my voice steady despite the unease gnawing at me. "There could be any number of reasons why the device stopped working. Maybe it's something the machines in this building can do."

Arare nodded, though his eyes still reflected worry. "You're right. But we need to decide our next move. We can't just stand here."

"Agreed," I replied, taking a deep breath to steady myself. "Let's try to retrace our steps and see if we can reestablish a connection. If that doesn't work, we'll have to rely on our knowledge of the base layout and head towards the last known location Varia mentioned."

Arare adjusted his grip on the device and began moving cautiously back the way we had come. The corridors were narrow and twisting, and the dim lighting made it difficult to see far ahead. We pressed on, our senses heightened for any signs of danger or clues to Varia's whereabouts.

After what felt like an eternity, we reached a junction where we had last received a signal from the device. Arare fiddled with it again, his frustration growing as it remained unresponsive.

"Still nothing," he muttered, the worry in his voice more pronounced now.

I placed a hand on his shoulder, trying to reassure him. "We'll find them, Arare. We just have to stay focused."

My younger brother smiled and nodded. "Yeah."

Suddenly, the sound of footsteps echoed through the corridor. We both turned, weapons at the ready, as a figure emerged from the shadows. It was a girl with short white hair and red highlights.

"Look what the cat dragged in, two spies," she said, putting a hand on her hips.

Arare took a deep breath and stepped toward her, shocking her.

"Are we really spies? What if I told you we're here to join you?" Arare asked, flashing her a friendly smile.

There he went again, bluffing and lying. It would only get him so far.

She smiled. "Really?"

Wait, she bought it?

Arare chuckled. "Of course. We are tired of sleeping amongst the wild animals every day. We figured joining Titanos would be better."

She hummed. "Well, this place does have nice beds, but is that really the only reasoning you're joining?"

My brother snickered. "Do I need another, sweetheart?"

The girl grumbled. "First off, don't call me that."

Arare raised his hands in mock surrender, his smile never wavering. "My apologies. Old habits die hard. What's your name, if you don't mind me asking?"

She eyed him warily but answered, "It's Lia. And you better have more convincing reasons if you want to join Titanos. We're not exactly known for our hospitality."

"Nice to meet you, Lia. I'm Arare, and this is my brother, Hiesno," he said, gesturing to me. "As for reasons, let's just say we've seen what Titanos can do. Power, resources, and a chance to be on the winning side. Who wouldn't want that?"

Lyra crossed her arms, her expression skeptical. "And how do I know you're not lying? You could be spies trying to infiltrate us."

Arare's smile turned serious. "I get that you're cautious. It's a dangerous world out there. But think about it—if we were spies, why would I just walk up to you and announce our intentions? We'd be running or fighting you, not standing here having a conversation."

She seemed to consider his words, her eyes narrowing as she studied us. "You make a good point. But you'll need more than just words to prove your loyalty."

I decided to chime in, hoping to bolster Arare's bluff. "What if we could offer you something valuable? Information, perhaps. We know things about the resistance—key locations, supply routes, personnel. We could be an asset."

Lyra's expression shifted, a glint of interest in her eyes. "Information, huh? That could be useful. But how do I know you're not feeding me lies?"

Arare shrugged. "You don't. But we can prove our worth. Give us a chance, and we'll show you that we're serious."

She seemed to mull it over, her gaze flicking between us. After a tense moment, she finally nodded. "Alright. But Commander Yusan isn't here at the moment. So if you two don't mind me being so rude. I will need to detain you as precaution."

Arare stepped back and gulped.

I sighed. His bluff didn't work as intended.

Lia's eyes remained locked on us, her stance unwavering. "Don't worry, it's just temporary until Commander Yusan returns. Follow me."

We exchanged a quick glance. There was no choice but to go along with her for now. Any sudden moves could expose us and end the mission prematurely.

Lia led us deeper into the base, the corridors growing narrower and more oppressive. The dim lighting cast long shadows, making it difficult to see far ahead. The atmosphere was tense, every sound amplified in the silence.

Finally, we reached a small room with reinforced walls and a heavy steel door. Lia motioned for us to enter. "Wait here. I'll inform Commander Yusan when he returns. Don't try anything funny."

As the door clanged shut behind us, Arare and I exchanged a look of concern. The room was bare, save for a few metal chairs and a table bolted to the floor. A single dim light flickered above us, casting eerie shadows on the walls.

"Well, this is cozy," Arare muttered, trying to lighten the mood.

I let out a small chuckle. "Yeah, just like home. Any ideas on how to get out of here?"

Arare's eyes scanned the room, his mind clearly racing. "We need to find a way to contact the others. If we can get a signal out, they might be able to help us."

I nodded. "Agreed, but first, let's see if there's anything in this room we can use."

We began a careful search, examining every corner and crevice. The room was stark and unyielding, but we couldn't afford to overlook any potential tools or escape routes.

Arare tapped the walls, listening for any hollow sounds that might indicate a hidden passage or weak spot. Meanwhile, I inspected the table and chairs, looking for anything that could be repurposed.

After several minutes of searching, Arare let out a frustrated sigh. "Nothing. This room is sealed tighter than a drum."

I frowned, my mind racing for alternatives. "We might have to wait for an opportunity. When Lia returns, we could try to overpower her and make a run for it."

Arare nodded, though his expression remained tense. "It's risky, but it might be our best shot."

As we settled in to wait, the minutes stretched into what felt like hours. The silence was oppressive, broken only by the occasional distant thud of machinery or the faint hum of electronics.

Finally, the sound of footsteps echoed outside the door. Arare and I tensed, readying ourselves for whatever came next. The steel door creaked open, and Lia stepped inside, followed by two imposing Titanos guards.

"Commander Yusan is still unavailable," Lia said, her tone guarded. "But we can't leave you here indefinitely. You'll be moved to a more secure location until he returns."

I exchanged a quick glance with Arare. This was our chance.

As the guards moved to escort us, I shot Arare a meaningful look. He nodded subtly, understanding the plan.

In a sudden burst of movement, I lunged at the nearest guard, aiming a swift punch at his jaw. The guard staggered back, momentarily stunned, and Arare took the opportunity to tackle the second guard to the ground.

Lia shouted in surprise, reaching for her weapon, but Arare was quicker. He disarmed her with a swift kick, sending her weapon skidding across the floor.

"Let's go!" I shouted, grabbing Arare's arm and pulling him towards the door.

We sprinted down the corridor, the sounds of pursuit echoing behind us. The base was a maze, but we had a rough idea of the layout from our earlier reconnaissance.

As we rounded a corner, we nearly collided with a patrol of Titanos soldiers. Without hesitation, we turned and fled down a side passage, hoping to lose them in the labyrinthine corridors.

"Do you have any idea where we're going?" Arare panted, his breath coming in ragged gasps.

"Just keep moving!" I replied, my mind racing for a plan. "We need to find a way out of here, or at least get a signal to the others."

My brother laughed. "Usually it's me who would say that."

I sighed. This was his fault. We should've fought Lia from the start.

We barreled through another series of twisting passages, the sound of pursuit growing fainter but never entirely disappearing. The base was a labyrinth, and every turn felt like a gamble.

Finally, we burst into a larger chamber, filled with machinery and blinking consoles. The room was empty, but it looked like some kind of control center.

"This could work," Arare said, rushing to one of the consoles. "If we can access the base's communication systems, we might be able to send a distress signal."

I kept watch at the entrance, my nerves on edge. "Make it quick. We don't have much time."

Arare's fingers flew over the controls, his expression focused and determined. He put something Varia had given him which attached itself to the computer.

The sound of approaching footsteps echoed through the corridor. I tensed, readying myself for a fight. "Hurry, Arare!"

"Got it!" he exclaimed, hitting a final key. "Sending the signal now!"

A series of beeps and blips filled the room as the console transmitted our distress signal. "This is Arare and Hiesno, requesting immediate extraction. We're in the Titanos base, sector 7-G. Repeat, immediate extraction!"

The footsteps grew louder, and I turned to face the entrance just as Lia and a group of Titanos soldiers burst into the room.

"Stop them!" Lia shouted, her eyes blazing with fury.

Arare and I stood back-to-back, ready to defend ourselves. The odds were against us, but we had sent the signal. Now, we just had to hold out until help arrived.