Chapter 85: Pararis

Sarudei PoV

Arare and I were both in awe of the city we had landed in. While I still preferred the towns surrounded by forests, Pararis's tall buildings were undeniably impressive. The streets were covered in something black, not cobblestone or just dirt like the ones back home.

"Hey, what is this black rocky stuff?" Arare asked, eyes glistening with curiosity.

Ret sighed, clearly amused by our fascination. "It's called asphalt. It's a material used for paving roads. Makes for smoother travel compared to dirt or cobblestones."

Arare knelt down, touching the asphalt with his fingers. "It's so strange... and smooth."

I couldn't help but chuckle at his enthusiasm. "It's amazing how different things are here compared to home."

As we walked through the city, the tall buildings loomed over us, their glass windows reflecting the sunlight in dazzling patterns. The streets were bustling with activity, people and vehicles moving in a well-orchestrated dance. It was a far cry from the serene and quiet forests we were used to.

Lia, led the way as if she were used to showing people around. "Let me take you to the base here."

I eyed the mechas still in the sky. The people here seemed unbothered by them, unlike me. Even through they belonged to Deros, Vyran, and our temporary Titanos allies, they were still unnerving.

I sighed. Well, a machine like those had been used to kill my parents and Syran...

"You okay?" Vyran asked, putting a hand on my shoulder.

"Uh, how are those things flying without a pilot again? I mean, I know Deros is still inside his, but Ret, you, and Lia aren't."

Varia snickered. "They're flying using something called A.I."

I tilted my head.

"A.I. stands for artificial intelligence," Lia explained, smiling as she showed us around.

Arare crossed his arms. "Is that like pretending one is smart? How do mechas do that?"

Varia snorted.

Lia smiled nervously. "Uh, not exactly." She giggled and glanced up at the sky. "But I get why you think that. When I first heard of it, I imagined some kind of brain-shaped thing."

Arare tilted his head. "Brain shaped?"

She blinked. "Uh, you do know what that is, right?"

"I know what a brain is, but I have never actually seen one

 Well, that wasn't reduced to goo."

Lia winced. "Well, let's hope you don't have to see too many more of those," she said softly, trying to steer the conversation back to lighter topics. "Artificial intelligence is more like a set of complex algorithms that allow machines to learn and make decisions, almost like a human brain, but it's all digital."

Arare hummed.

"Uh, what's digital?" I asked what he probably was thinking too.

"Oh, right. Uh, it's a bit difficult to explain," Lia said, giving me a weak smile.

"Allow me to do so," Varia said, crossing her arms over her chest. "Digital refers to the technology that uses binary code—essentially ones and zeros—to process information. It's the foundation of modern computing and allows machines to perform complex tasks, store vast amounts of data, and simulate decision-making processes."

Arare and I exchanged puzzled looks. "So, it's like magic?" Arare ventured.

Varia chuckled. "Not quite, but I can see why you might think that. In Retra, it's more like an incredibly advanced tool humans have developed to extend their capabilities. Think of it as a very sophisticated way of giving instructions to machines without having to move ropes and such.

Lia nodded, glad for Varia's help in explaining. "Exactly. It might seem a bit overwhelming at first, but you'll get used to it. The important thing is that these technologies help make life better. Although, it isn't without it's issue."

Varia hummed. "We had some, but not many. Guess it's because technology was always part of Quadra, unlike here or Edesia."

We continued our walk through the city, the sights and sounds becoming slightly less overwhelming as we focused on the task at hand. The buildings around us grew more utilitarian as we approached the military base, a stark contrast to the bustling city we had just traversed.

As we arrived at the base, the high walls and armed guards made it clear that this was a place of great importance and security. Lia flashed her identification, and we were permitted entry.

Inside, the base was a hive of activity. Technicians worked diligently on various pieces of equipment, and soldiers moved with purpose. Lia led us through the labyrinth of corridors until we reached a command center.

"Wait here," Lia instructed. "I'll inform the local commander of your arrival."

As we waited, I couldn't help but feel anxiety. I was about to leave Soleon behind.

Lia returned shortly with a tall man in a crisp uniform. His presence commanded respect, and his eyes were sharp and assessing.

"Welcome," he said, his voice firm but not unkind. "I'm Commander Ryland. I've been briefed on your situation by Lt. Lia. Didn't expect Commander Yusan to attempt against the hero of Titanos or Prince Huitlo."

Ret sighed. "I don't deserve such a lofty title."

Arare snickered. "Modest, huh?"

"Unfortunately, our ships are still undergoing maintenance. So they aren't capable of taking you to Retra just yet."

Vyran sighed.

He gasped and tapped the weird thing on his ears. "Hello? Oh, Commander Wilneth! Nice to hear from you. Yes, they here."

"Wilneth is here?" Ret asked.

"Who is she?" I asked, glancing at Lia.

"She's one of Uto's top commanders. Yusan requested she go to Edesia to fill his position temporarily as governor of Edesia."

Ret furrowed his brow. "Hope he didn't think of killing her."

"Wait, isn't that Wilneth lady the one you said looks like Varia and my big sis?" Arare asked, glancing at Ret.

He nodded. "Yes. She's just as smart as them too, if not more."

Varia puffed her chest and smirked. "Thanks for the compliment, Commander Retas."

"She is here to pick you up," Commander Ryland said smiling.

I chuckled as Vyran pumped his fist in silence. He blushed as he noticed me looking.

"It's fine. I would be happy to go back home too."