Chapter 99: Deja Vu

Zairus PoV

I looked around as Tira, Roan, Tessa, Mirasa, and Huitlo walked through my Retran counterpart's hometown. It was a lot different from where I grew up in Titania. The climate here was warm, unlike the frigid glaciers I was accustomed to. The city was bustling with life like Edesia but it was also as urbanized as The Capital.

"We should stick together," I said, glancing at my companions. "This place is unfamiliar, and we don't want to get lost."

Tira nodded, her eyes wide as she took in the vibrant surroundings. "It's so different from Titania. Everything here seems... alive."

Roan, who hailed from a rustic, idyllic world, chuckled. "Yeah, it's a nice change from the serene fields and forests. But it's also a bit overwhelming."

Tessa pointed at a nearby market stall filled with exotic fruits. "Look at those! I've never seen anything like them."

Mirasa seemed equally fascinated. "The colors are so vibrant. It's like the whole city is in bloom."

Prince Huitlo kept his focus on our surroundings. "We should be cautious. We're not familiar with the customs here, and we don't want to attract unwanted attention."

I nodded in agreement. "You're right, Huitlo. Let's find a place to rest and gather more information about this city."

As we continued to explore, we came across a small café with outdoor seating. It seemed like a good place to take a break and observe the locals. We took a seat at one of the tables, the warm breeze a stark contrast to the biting winds of home.

A server approached us, smiling warmly. "Welcome! What can I get for you today?"

"Uh..." Huitlo said, probably realizing we had absolutely none of whatever currency this world used.

I quickly glanced around, trying to think of a way out. "We'll just have some water for now," I said, hoping it wouldn't cost anything.

The server raised an eyebrow but nodded. "Sure, I'll be right back with your waters."

As soon as she left, I leaned in and whispered, "We need to leave before she gets back."

Roan nodded, a grin spreading across his face. "Yeah, let's make a quick exit."

Tira looked worried. "But what if she sees us?"

"We'll just have to be fast," I replied, already standing up. "Let's go."

We all stood up in unison, trying to act casual as we slipped away from the table. The bustling crowd provided some cover, but we had to be quick.

Huitlo led the way, his eyes scanning for a safe path. "This way," he said, gesturing toward a narrow alley.

We hurried down the alley, our footsteps echoing off the walls. Once we were a safe distance away, we stopped to catch our breath.

"That was close," Tira said, her eyes wide with adrenaline.

Huitlo nodded. "Agreed. We need to find another way to gather information without drawing attention to ourselves."

Roan snickered. "I think running off like a bunch of thieves is rather attention grabbing if you ask me."

Tessa nodded. "We could've at least drank the water!"

Roan and Tessa had a point. Maybe being at the base had diluted our sense of interaction with people. Tira, Huitlo and I were used to running after and fleeing from people.

I took a deep breath, feeling the tension ease slightly. "Let's keep moving. We need to stay ahead of any trouble."

As we continued through the city, we kept to the quieter streets, avoiding large crowds and obvious attention. 

Huitlo stopped and grabbed his headset. "Hello?"

We stopped and watched as he talked. "Alright, that's fine. Let's see, we're in... Uh..." He looked around the place, looking for the street address.

"Describe the location," I said, realizing he was most likely talking to Wilneth.

Huitlo nodded and began describing our surroundings. "We're on a quieter street now. There's a narrow alley we just came through, lined with sleek, metallic buildings—most of them seem to be closed right now. The architecture is very modern, with smooth surfaces and reflective panels. There's a large digital billboard on one of the buildings, displaying advertisements in bright colors."

He paused, listening to Wilneth on the other end. "Right, and there's a small park nearby with a few benches and a fountain that isn't running. The street signs are in a language we're not familiar with, but the nearest one has a holographic display with blue and white lettering."

Roan, Tessa, and Mirasa watched intently, their expressions a mix of curiosity and concern.

Huitlo continued, "There are fewer people here, mostly folks going about their daily routines. A robotic kiosk on the corner is open, and I can see a few customers interacting with it."

He listened for a moment longer, then nodded. "Got it. We'll stay put and wait for you and Varia to arrive. Thanks, Wilneth."

Huitlo turned to us. "Wilneth and Varia are on their way to meet us. We just need to stay here and keep a low profile."

Tira looked relieved. "That's good news. Hopefully, they'll arrive soon."

Roan chuckled. "In the meantime, let's try not to draw any more attention to ourselves."

Tessa grinned. "Agreed. But I still wish we could've at least had that water."

Mirasa nodded, her eyes scanning the area. "We should find a discrete spot to wait. Somewhere we can see them coming but not be in the open."

I nodded. "Good idea. There's a bench near that digital billboard. We can sit there and keep an eye on the street without standing out too much."

We made our way to the bench and sat down, trying to look as casual as possible. From here, we had a clear view of the street while remaining relatively hidden.

As we settled in, Tira shifted nervously. "How long do you think it'll take them to get here?"

Huitlo checked his communicator. "Wilneth said it shouldn't be long. They were already on their way when I called."

Roan leaned back on the bench, trying to appear nonchalant. "Let's just hope we don't attract any unwanted attention in the meantime."

I looked around the place. It oddly felt familiar. Was it because of Vyran? Back at the base in Edesia, something weird had happened to us. We felt each other's physical pain. But why was that the case? It couldn't have simply been because we were doppelgangers.

"Something on your mind, Zairus?" Tira asked, noticing my pensive expression.

I shook my head, trying to focus. "Just thinking about everything that's happened. It's strange being here, in a place so different yet feeling a connection somehow."

Huitlo nodded. "I get that. This city is a lot to take in, but there's something about it that's... oddly comforting."

Before I could respond, I saw movement out of the corner of my eye. Wilneth and Varia were approaching, weaving through the sparse crowd with ease. They spotted us quickly and made their way over, relief evident on their faces.

"Wilneth! Varia! Over here!" Huitlo called softly, not wanting to draw too much attention.

Wilneth and Varia hurried over. "Glad we found you," Wilneth said, catching his breath. "We were worried when we didn't hear from you for a while."

Varia nodded. "Let's not waste any more time. We need to get you somewhere safe and sort out our next steps."

I stood up and motioned for the others to follow. "Lead the way. We're ready."

As we moved through the city, guided by Wilneth and Varia, we allowed ourselves to relax slightly. Their presence was reassuring, and we no longer felt the need to constantly look around, fearing getting lost.

Unfortunately, we didn't get to find any clues on Yusan's whereabouts.

"So, what's the plan?" Roan asked as we walked.

"We're gathering in Varia's place. Vyran's making dinner right noe."

Tessa looked relieved. "Good. We could all use a break."

We continued through the quieter streets, the hum of the city around us. Varia led us to a house. With a snap of her fingers the door opened.

"Woah, how did you do that?" Roan asked, eyes wide.

She chuckled. "Technology. My brain chip is inscribed into the house's data set. My family can enter with a thought. Although I like snapping my fingers."

"So, it wasn't a mana or ki technique?" Tessa asked, tilting her head.

Varia laughed. "No, nothing magical or supernatural. Just advanced technology."

We stepped inside the house, and I was immediately struck by the sleek, modern design. The interior was filled with smooth surfaces, soft lighting, and an array of gadgets that seemed far more advanced than anything we had back in Titania.

Wilneth closed the door behind us, ensuring it was securely locked. "Make yourselves at home. We'll discuss our next steps once everyone has settled in."

As we dispersed to explore the space, the comforting aroma of food wafted through the air. Vyran emerged from the kitchen, wiping his hands on a towel. "Dinner's almost ready. It's not much, but it should be enough to keep us going."

"Thanks, Vyran," I said, feeling a pang of hunger. "We appreciate it."

Huitlo took a seat on a nearby couch, visibly relaxing for the first time since we arrived. "It's good to finally have a moment to breathe."

Tira, Roan, Tessa, and Mirasa found places to sit as well, their expressions reflecting a mix of relief and curiosity. We had been on edge for so long that it felt strange to finally let our guard down.

"So, what's the plan from here?" I asked, turning to Wilneth and Varia.

Wilneth leaned against the wall, arms crossed. "First, we'll get some food and rest. Then we need to strategize. We need to locate Yusan and figure out our next moves. This city is massive, and we'll need all the resources and information we can gather."

Varia nodded. "We have a few contacts in the city who might be able to help us. We'll reach out to them tomorrow and see what we can find out."

Roan leaned forward, his interest piqued. "Do we have any leads on Yusan's whereabouts?"

Wilneth shook his head. "Not yet. But we're working on it. This city has many layers, and Yusan could be hiding anywhere. We'll need to be thorough."

Tessa sighed. "I just hope we find him soon. We can't afford to waste any more time."

Vyran called from the kitchen. "Dinner's ready! Come and get it while it's hot."

We gathered around the dining area, the table set with a simple but hearty meal. 

A little girl with a bunny plushie stepped out of the kitchen and gasped. "A second Big Bro this time!"

Vyran laughed. "Yeah, that's Zairus. He's... kind of like me, but from a different place."

The girl looked at me with wide eyes. "Are you really like Big Bro?"

I smiled, crouching down to her level. "In some ways, yes. It's nice to meet you. What's your name?"

She clutched her bunny tightly. "I'm Veronia. And this is Mrs. Bonbon." She held up her stuffed bunny for me to see.

"It's nice to meet you, Veronia and Mrs. Bonbon," I said warmly. For some reason, this girl felt familiar. Maybe it was the bunny.

Vyran ruffled her hair. "Alright, Veronia, let's let our guests eat. You can ask Zairus all your questions later, okay?"

Veronia nodded vigorously. "Okay!"

We all took our seats around the dining table, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of warmth from the family atmosphere. It was a stark contrast to the tension and urgency we had been experiencing. It also made me miss my family a little. After this war, I should see them.