Next challenge

When he finished designing everything, he had made a room with a bathroom, storage areas where he placed several chests that he made on one of the work tables and work areas where he placed the different material processing equipment and the work table, where he could make furniture, weapons, armor and many other various things, he wanted to make an electrical system that worked with hydraulic energy, but to activate it he still needed many components which would still take some time to be ready, he also had to provide a source of water. which would also be used to provide water to the entire bunker.

This time he spent 300,000 pieces of wood, 10,000 pieces of stone and 500 skins to make all the walls, doors and the different work tables, he also took out all the furniture he had in his inventory, by the time he finished building he had used almost all the materials that he had in his inventory.

With all the different rooms that he made, he only occupied less than half of the space, he only used 2 of the walls to distribute the different rooms, for the rest of the space he had planned to leave it to make stables to leave the different mounts and combat beasts when managed to unlock them and remove them from your file.

Since I still didn't have electric light, I lit myself with a flashlight that I took from the store, luckily I didn't need light to see where the walls were placed since the screen where I did everything was illuminated, by the time I finished doing all the small details It was 7 at night, I was still without electricity and water, since I had to provide a water source, for which I had built a room which I had to fill with at least 1000 liters of water for it to start working and I had You have to constantly refill it as necessary.

Since he had already finished everything he could do, he decided to have something to eat before going to sleep, so he quickly grabbed a sandwich and a bottle of water. He felt tired so he didn't want to cook and went to sleep as soon as he finished.

The next day it was 7 am when he woke up, he ran his hand through his hair, adjusting it a little and then he went to the kitchen area, there he prepared himself a spicy ramen and accompanied it with some chips and an orange juice, while he had breakfast. I checked the local chat, which seemed to be very lively, there were many people looking for their relatives, others asking the authorities to do something to help them and others inviting people to form groups and join their shelters.

After a few minutes of checking the chat he didn't find any known names so he simply closed it, finished his breakfast and left the bunker.

When the clock struck 8 am a robotic voice was heard.

Very good morning my dear survivors, I hope you had a good rest since you will need your energy for our next challenge, without further ado I wish you good luck and all that remains for me to say is SURVIVE.

When the voice finished speaking, a light covered Dylan's entire body and he was teleported to a forest. Once the light disappeared and he could see his surroundings well, a screen appeared in front of him.


1: survive for 24 hours

2: find food

3: find shelter

4: hunt at least 10 animals


Level +1, 10 gold, 1 skill point

When the screen disappeared Dylan took out and equipped the weapons he had made the day before, which were a stone dagger and a wooden bow as well as some arrows.

The first thing he wanted to do was go to a high place where he could see more clearly the type of terrain he was on and if it was possible to locate a river or lake from which he could take water, since he had bought a storage tank with capacity of 5000 liters and I wanted to fill it soon.

He still had not decided in which direction to walk when a white rabbit with a pair of horns on its head appeared in front of him at a distance of 3 meters. As soon as he looked at it, it showed its sharp fangs and ran to attack him. The rabbit was quite fast and In just a few seconds I reach it and try to bite it.

He managed to react in time and was able to dodge it in time, when the rabbit attacked him again this time he used his dagger to counterattack and managed to cut its throat, without letting the rabbit react he kicked it with which he took the rest of the rabbit's life. When he killed the rabbit it disappeared, turning into a bunch of wisps of light and he heard a mechanical voice that said:

You have defeated 1 animal


10 exp, x1 rabbit meat, 10 copper

After killing the rabbit he continued to observe his surroundings and when he looked at an area where the plants were of a darker tone he walked in that direction, so everything seemed to indicate that he was near a water source, he walked for at least 100 meters. When he came across a second rabbit, this time the rabbit had its back to him and he had not detected it, so he took his bow and placed an arrow at it, when he shot it it passed through the side of the rabbit's ear which made it noticed him so he ended up fighting hand to hand again, it seems that he will have to get the archery skill or start practicing to improve his aim.

After walking a little more he was finally able to hear the sound of water. He walked a few more meters in the direction of the sound and came to a river. He approached and the water was crystal clear. When he crouched down and took some in his hands, a box that said *drinking water*.

Once he confirmed that it was drinkable, he took out the storage tank and was wondering how to fill it when a screen appeared in front of the tank that said:

A nearby water source has been detected, you want to fill the tank with water from this source


When he clicked yes a progress bar appeared showing 10 minutes until full.

While I was waiting for the tank to fill, a wild boar came out from among the nearby trees and was heading to drink water, but as soon as it saw it it ran towards it to attack it. This wild boar was 1.5 meters high and 3 meters long, it had a pair of fangs that were at least 50 centimeters long and seemed very dangerous, his skin was also harder and he was faster than the rabbit, he had to give it 10 cuts to defeat it, but he did not come out unscathed since the wild boar managed to hit him a couple of times dropping him by 500 life points, he was glad he had the power cores since without them it was very likely that he would have died with the first hit he received.

You have defeated 1 animal


50 exp, x4 boar meat, 1 silver