New discoveries in the territory

On his way to meet with Victor, Aria and Lucas, Dylan was reviewing the map of the territory and noticed that several red dots had appeared in areas where there were previously bases and now they appeared as monster nests. When he saw this new change, he was surprised so he told Alison about this change and told Silver to go to the nearest nest to see what had happened.

When they were near the nest, Dylan and Alison got off Silver and activated the stealth ability to get closer without being detected Silver turned into a small blue light and entered Dylan's body since he did not have the ability to stealth, when they arrived at the area where the nest terrain began they could only see the ruins of the buildings, it seemed that the base that had been built in this part was not made with the plans of the system and instead they had used the buildings that had been left standing, you could see parts where they tried to make a wall using rubble, there were dried blood stains everywhere and a few meters in front of them you could see some zombies wandering around.

They did not kill the zombies since they wanted to investigate if there were other types of monsters nearby, so they sneaked through the ruins and checked every centimeter that was marked as the nest's terrain, when they finished investigating the entire nest they only found zombie-type monsters, The most important thing they found was that a new zombie appeared every so often in the central area of the nest. So far they had only seen common and fast zombies. There were about 300 common zombies and 50 fast zombies. They weren't sure. Yes, they would appear from the other types later but they wanted to investigate other nests to see if the situation was the same and if there were other types of monsters or they were just zombies.

They walked towards the direction where another nest was marked and once they were out of the area of the first nest he summoned Silver again to travel faster, they checked several nests and found that there was a nest of Lizardmen, one of Tigermen and one of Homunculi, while investigating one of the nests they encountered the strange creatures that Dylan had encountered in the forest the first time he was teleported and by using his *Analysis* skill he discovered that their race was known as Homunculus and from the nests they had checked So far theirs was the largest and also the one that seemed to have the most power from a distance they calculated that there would be about 1000 or more homunculi in the nest and taking into account the strength they had it was better to try to eliminate their nest as much as possible soon possible since if they were left in the territory they would cause great damage to the few survivors who still remained.

Before they could deal with the threat of the nests, they first had to coordinate with the leaders of the surviving bases and form an action plan to deal with them, as they headed towards the place where they had agreed to meet Victor and the others, they passed near a forested area and were attacked by some wolf-type demonic beasts that were there, even though they could easily kill them, they were surprised since they were not marked on the map as another nest, so they assumed that the beast-type monsters they would be found scattered throughout the forests of the territory.

When they arrived at the place where they had agreed to meet, they did not wait long since Victor and the others arrived 3 minutes after them, once they exchanged greetings Dylan said: I'm going to be direct with you since I don't like to beat around the bush, I would like to let the 3 of you work with us to create a fortress city along with all the bases that managed to survive.

Victor and the others were surprised by Dylan's words and after hearing his words Victor frowned and said: before giving an answer, I would like to know why you think you can convince the other leaders to join you and... How do you plan to make a fortress city?

Dylan: as the lord of the territory I was given the freedom to establish a city and only in a city can some important buildings such as hospitals and public baths be built, as well as walls that can be equipped with better defensive weapons, not to mention housing buildings for more. of 10 people making better use of the space, with this we can guarantee a better place of life, in terms of the materials they spent to make their bases, as long as they have been built with plans of the system they can be recycled for the construction of the new city As for the leaders of the bases, I have no intention of taking away their control over their people, I only hope that we can work together and organize to ensure defense against the next tests that await us, in addition...

After a long talk where Dylan explained everything he had planned to create a city with a strong defense and mentioned some of the plans he has and that are very useful for everyone, he managed to convince the three of them to work with him, When they talked about which role they were best suited for, it was decided that Victor would help maintain order and security within the city, Lucas would be in charge of the city's layout, and Aria would be in charge of distributing people for specific jobs as well as for the tasks and rewards that the city plowed, as they had previously realized that not all people were suitable for combat even when they had acquired fighting skills, they had decided to separate them into collectors and militia.

Once everyone's role was decided, Dylan told them about the nests they had discovered as well as the probability of beasts being found in the forest, especially he told them about the homunculus nest since they were the most dangerous. in the territory but to deal with them they need many more people since there were easily more than 1000 homunculi in the nest and they continued to increase over time, but in order to eliminate that nest I needed those who joined the battle squad to have a strong force decent and for that I needed them to be between level 15 and 18 since that was the average level I had seen among homunculi.

As they had already agreed on what each of them would do and it was almost time to meet with the base leaders, Dylan summoned Silver and Nix so that everyone could travel faster and arrive. on time to the designated meeting location.