Building the city

Before going to the place where the city would be built, they left Victor and Aria at their base since they had to organize the people and completely dismantle the base to be able to move.

When the decision was made to make his own city Dylan had been studying the map of his territory and decided to make it near a lake, he had already reviewed the lake information and the water was drinkable and the lands near the lake were fertile which could used to grow food.

When they arrived at the place where the city would be built, Dylan opened his system and selected the *Territory* section, there he chose the found city option.

A screen appeared in front of him that said

Requirements to found a city:

1- x3 Core lvl. 5

2- x3 Construction plans (Wall, Housing, Greenhouse, Hospital, Food Processor, Stores, etc.) if more than 1 plan of the same building is submitted, the level of the building will be improved, but it will only count as 1 type

3- 100,000 units of construction material (Wood, Stone, Metal)

4- 10,000 gold

The requirements to found the city are met, you want to found the city in this location YES / NO

Dylan clicked yes and another screen appeared in front of him.

City name

After thinking about it for a moment he decided to name it Nova Era.

Select the plans that will be used for the construction of the city (depending on the plans provided, the buildings that can be built in the city will be)

A list of the blueprints he had in his inventory appeared in front of Dylan.

Wall x3

Defensive tower x5

Pit x2

Store x4

Hospital x3

Apartment building x4

Greenhouse x3

Food processor x1

Teleporter x1

Dylan selected all the plans he had in his inventory.

Building Blueprints x25 have been provided, the following buildings level up.

Wall lvl 2 (Durability: 10,000) by providing *Wood* for your construction you will get Durability +1000, by providing *Stone* for your construction you will get Durability +5000, by providing *Metal* for your construction you will get Durability +15000.

Defensive tower lvl 2 (it can be equipped with 4 crossbow or cannon type weapons).

Shop lvl 2 (warehouse capacity increases to 5000) the number of items that can be placed for sale will depend on the size of the warehouse.

Hospital lvl 2 (the pharmacy function was unlocked where medicine can be created by providing the required raw materials) to create medicines you need an alchemist who can be a city dweller or an assistant hired from the system.

Apartment building lvl 2 (2-story building, 6 apartments per floor, each apartment has 2 bedrooms of 4 x 4 meters, 1 bathroom of 2 x 3 meters with shower, 1 kitchen of 3 x 4 meters, living room and dining room of 9 x 9 meters) the apartments are not furnished.

Greenhouse lvl 2 (30 x 30 meter space).

Dylan also provided the construction materials and the necessary gold and once everything was confirmed, a 3-story building appeared in front of them with a sign that said *City Hall lvl 1*.

Dylan, Alison and Lucas entered and toured the building, the first floor was the reception and there were also two more areas, one to post orders and another to deliver rewards, on the second floor there were several rooms that served as offices and 2 were especially large in size. which could easily hold meetings that could easily accommodate up to 50 people, the third floor was only accessible to the Lord of the city since it was classified as housing and only people that Dylan approved could enter.

Once they toured the building Dylan authorized Lucas so he could start creating buildings while he entered some orders and rewards on the first floor.

Dylan and Lucas had already talked before about the layout of the buildings that would be built, so the first thing Lucas did was plot the different sections on the map that appeared in front of him, leaving the area near the lake for the construction of greenhouses. Since a nearby water source was needed, near the greenhouses I left an area for the food processors, an open space would be left around the town hall followed by the section for shops and the hospital, and between the greenhouse area and the shops would be the homes and everything would be surrounded by the wall, the city would have a circular shape and will have 3 gates, one of which will be in the direction of the lake, they did not leave the lake inside the wall since there was a possibility that the monsters or some enemy use it to enter the city.

The city wall was built entirely with metal, the defensive towers were also made of metal and were equipped with crossbows since they did not have the plans to make cannons, the housing buildings were built with wood and stone, Dylan provided all the materials he had in his inventory for construction, it had already been agreed before that he would build everything but charge an affordable rent, he is not worried about running out of materials since the bases that move can sell the materials they had obtained before and with that He will be able to build the necessary buildings, at the moment he used the ones he had obtained as a reward and also all the ones he had used when he made the base on the hill, to get more money he had placed some of the food he had obtained from the convenience store and some of the fruits he had collected the first day he was teleported.

When some of the people from the closest bases arrived, they were surprised at the size of the city and that the wall was made of metal. The moment they saw the wall, which was made of metal and had several defense towers, they felt that they had made the best decision by accepting Dylan's offer and once they entered the city and saw the buildings built, their eyes shone with excitement since in their previous base not everyone had a safe place to sleep, but here everyone will be able to have a safe place to sleep safe place to sleep warm, some curious people entered the store and were surprised when they saw that there was food for sale and they rushed to buy something since not everyone had the ability to kill monsters which made it difficult for them to get food, others went to the city hall and reviewed the requests and jobs available as well as the rewards that would be given.

Little by little people were arriving in the city, everyone first tried to secure an apartment, then they would go to the town hall to get some coins or food depending on the task they accepted and some others would go to the store or the hospital to treat their wounds, The pharmacy was not open yet since they did not yet have the necessary materials to create medicines so there was no point in opening it for the moment, the bases took 2 days to organize everything and move to the city, once everyone moved to the city It had 3,248 inhabitants, of which 500 were working in the greenhouses and the food processor, 728 would be material collectors, 1,500 agreed to work as soldiers and the rest would be independent workers.