Chapter Five: The Dawn of Rebirth

As the nurses guided Yash towards the recovery room, the veiled woman signaled for them to pause with a gentle gesture. Approaching Yash, she delicately brushed a stray lock of hair from his forehead, her fingers trembling ever so slightly. Her touch was tender, her actions deliberate, each movement reflecting her profound love and concern for him.

Gently cradling his face in her hands, she let her fingers glide over his skin, tracing the lines of his jaw and the curve of his cheeks. Her eyes, brimming with tears, lingered on his closed eyelids, silently pleading for him to feel her presence and understand the depth of her emotions.

Pressing a soft, heartfelt kiss to his forehead, she whispered with a voice laden with emotion, "I'm not sure if my words can reach your heart, but I want you to know the profound impact you have on my life. The mere thought of you in pain hurts me more than you can imagine. Please, come back to us, to me."

She took a moment, inhaling deeply to steady her quivering voice. "Know that we are all here, waiting for you to recover. We're eagerly awaiting the moment you open your eyes and return to our world," she whispered, her words laden with emotion.

Reluctantly releasing his hand, she left behind a lingering touch, a symbol of her unwavering love and support. With a final, poignant gaze filled with hope and tenderness, she stepped back, allowing the nurses to continue, her heart weighed down by a mix of anxiety and hope.

As Mr. Leo emerged from the surgical room, the soft glow of the corridor lights highlighted the deep concern etched on the veiled woman's face. Her eyes, shimmering with unshed tears, remained fixed on the corridor leading to the recovery room where Yash had been taken.

Approaching her with a gentle understanding, Mr. Leo softly said, "We've done all we can for now. He's in the best place possible, receiving the care he needs."

The veiled woman glanced at him, her eyes searching for solace. She replied in a voice choked with emotion, "I just wish I could do more for him."

Placing a comforting hand on her shoulder, Mr. Leo said, "Sometimes, the greatest strength is in letting others help."

Feeling the weight of his words and the warmth of his gesture, the veiled woman nodded slowly. "You're right," she whispered, her voice barely audible.

The veiled woman paused for a moment, her thoughts seemingly racing. Finally, she looked up at Mr. Leo and asked, "Did you meet the person who donated the blood?"

A wry smile crossed Mr. Leo's face at the mention of the gold-laden man. Suppressing a chuckle, he nodded reassuringly, "Yeah, I've got it covered. Don't worry."

Not wanting to delve further into the bizarre encounter, especially given the veiled woman's fiery nature, he kept his response deliberately elusive.

Rolling her eyes, the veiled woman shot Mr. Leo a skeptical glance but held her tongue, choosing to maintain her dignified silence.

After a few moments, they exited the hospital flanked by their guards. Yet, a handful of security personnel stayed behind, positioned protectively near Yash's recovery room to ensure his safety.


The next morning, Yash woke up to find a 55-year-old man with a grin that could rival a Cheshire cat's. At first, Yash was puzzled, but then a light bulb went off in his head. It was none other than Mr. Maling, looking like he just won the lottery.

"Why are you here?" Yash asked, his tone laced with suspicion and rudeness.

Mr. Maling with his infuriatingly cocky grin, just kept silent, enjoying the suspense. Yash, not in the mood for games, barked, "Hey, are you deaf or just pretending? Why the hell are you here, and more importantly, how the fuck did I land in this mess?"

Still grinning like a sleazy used car salesman who just sold a lemon, the man retorted, "Yash, Yash, Yash... Seems like you're not the village idiot everyone thought you were."

"And those masked men? Don't sweat it, I sent those clowns to snatch you," he chortled, his grin stretching wider than a politician's promise, acting like he'd just pulled off the heist of the century.

Yash glared at him, incredulous. "You sent those dimwits to kidnap me? What the hell were you smoking, Einstein?"

Mr. Maling, still laughing, smirked and said, "You know the reason, don't ya, dumbass?"

Yash, after a brief pause, shot back, "You might think you're as sly as a fox, but I've already told you to buzz off, you slippery snake!"

Mr Maling then grew serious, puffing up his chest with exaggerated confidence, and remarked, "You've thrown everything away to live like a beggar here with your so-called girlfriend, who just betrayed you with your best friend. Man, talk about diving headfirst into the dumpster fire of life!"

He then sneered, "Are you content with this sorry excuse for a life? You worked your ass off for her, lavishing her with everything, but that damn bitch still went behind your back with your sleazy, dick-swinging best friend, who'd screw anything with a pulse, even a fucking toaster!"

Yash didn't bother asking how the hell this guy was in the loop, probably because his network was as leaky as a sieve!

Yash, his face twisted with irritation and deep-seated disgust at the mention of those two betrayers and the sickening memories of their intimate moments, felt a surge of revulsion. "Don't bring up those two worthless, conniving assholes in front of me again. Let those backstabbing motherfuckers rot in their own goddamn cesspool," he spat out venomously.

After a brief pause, Yash inquired, "When do you plan on leaving?"

Mr. Maling's expression changed, and he burst into laughter. "Son, you want me out of here faster than a fart in a fan factory?" he quipped.

Yash retorted with biting sarcasm, "So, expanding the perversion empire, or just opening a new strip joint?"

Mr. Maling retorted with a cocky grin, "Not a bad idea, but between dealing with you and those backstabbing bastards, who's got the time for a damn strip club?"

Then, with a more serious tone, Mr. Maling pressed, "Will you agree to my proposal or not?" He looked at Yash, awaiting his response. Yash hesitated, taking a few moments before finally speaking, "My life's a fucking disaster. I'm a goddamn nobody. Not a single soul gives a rat's ass about me." Pausing again, he locked eyes with Mr. Maling and asked, "When can I start?"

Mr. Maling, taken aback by Yash's unexpected reply, initially looked surprised. But soon, a satisfied grin spread across his face. "Brilliant! Looks like you've finally decided to use the brain between your ears instead of the one between your legs," he remarked cheekily. 

With a dramatic flair, Mr. Maling whipped out a stack of papers from his bag and thrust them towards Yash. "Take a gander. It's not exactly a bestselling novel, but it's as binding as your grandma's secret cookie recipe," he quipped with a sly grin.

Yash flipped through the documents, the weight of each clause sinking in. "Seems like a contract," he murmured, his eyes skimming over the intricate legalese.

Leaning in, Mr. Maling dropped his voice to a playful whisper, "Exactly! Consider it your golden ticket – either out of this quagmire or deeper into the rabbit hole. Your call."

After what felt like a prolonged standoff but was merely a brief pause, Yash took a steadying breath, confidently scribbled his signature, and pushed the papers back towards Mr. Maling. "Sealed and delivered," he declared, locking eyes with a grinning Mr. Maling.

Slipping the papers back into his bag with a flourish, Mr. Maling rose to his feet, declaring with a wink, "Well, duty calls and I've got a world to conquer. But hey, get yourself back in fighting shape. Once you're back in the game, expect a VIP invite from yours truly." With a final, self-satisfied grin, he swaggered out of the room, leaving a trail of intrigue in his wake.

Yash shot a venomous glare towards the exit, cursing under his breath, "That fucking old geezer!" Still slouched on the bed, he stared at the ceiling with a mix of irritation and resignation. "Well, looks like I'm diving into another shitshow," he muttered. "But for now, I need some fucking rest."

To Be Continued.....