The Zodiac Killer

Let me take you back in time, even further than 1993, so that before I get ahead of myself, you understand who I am speaking of. 

On December 20th, 1968, a couple by the name of David Anthony Fairchild (17) and his girlfriend, Brittany Louise Jenkins, were having a typical date night. Eventually, the couple ended up parked at a lookout, otherwise known as a make-out point, and were…well, getting into the deed when suddenly another car pulled up behind them. 

Before they knew what had happened, the young couple were turned into corpses around 11 pm. Young David was hanging halfway out of the car before being shot in the head, and then young Brittany was shot five times in the back as she tried to escape, ending up around twenty-eight feet from their vehicle. 

This cycle would repeat with a few of the people surviving but most dying.