Shocking Changes in the Event Quest

The rest of the Visit went pretty much as usual, with everyone watching the evening news and eating dinner.  

When it came time to leave, I faked "fell asleep," which caused me to be used as an excuse for going home. Around an hour later, I found myself tucked into my crib and finally alone.  

Once I was one hundred percent sure that Amanda and my father had gone to bed; only then did I sit up and open Arkadia.  

'Things were too hectic, so I didn't get a chance to look and see if there was any progress in my quest.' With that thought, I navigated through to the Event Quest panel, and confusion took over when I saw what Arkadia was telling me. 


[The Event Quests are Live] 

[Earthling Exclusive Event: Back to the past] 

          {Arkadia has distributed 5000 Resonance Convergence Pills}