Hidden Vestiges of Physicality (2)

When she finally realized I was still awake, Kristina swiftly set about prepping me for bedtime, which included a bath, pajamas, and a bedtime story, during which I was more than capable of getting my feel of some TLC with those TIG OL BITTYS! 

And like every night since I came back to the past, with my animal mobile playing a soothing song and spinning slowly, I was left to my own devices.  

However, unlike all the previous nights, where all I did was plot and scheme about the following years to come, tonight, I was about to try something I frankly shouldn't be.  

I was going to attempt the first Cycle of my Particle Circulation Skill.  

Now, suffice it to say, till this point, I had been using my Mythical "GitGud" Circulation Skill from the future with absolutely ZERO progress, but that was due in part because I was mainly meditating instead of actually using it.