Breaking Through (1)

Keeping my idea of abusing my body and Circulation Skills in mind, I decided it was time to head back to the safezone and, inevitably, the gate back to Earth.

With the Caverns being a high-level instance, I didn't really have to worry about where I would train or even Rank Up because, at the very least, there would be more than enough Abundant Alpha Particles floating around the air, which I could use to get stronger.

Running at my quickest speed through the pitch-black winding tunnels, it didn't take me too long to make it back to the familiar setting where I had my first battle in the past.

Funny enough, with the amount of time that had passed, there wasn't a shred of evidence that I had slaughtered four people and 15 monsters; the entrance to the Safezone, and even inside the zone, was completely clear of any outside traces, even the torches were out, which was my first action upon arriving, lighting them.