First Successful Activation

As I understood from Arkadia, my new Talent allowed me to manipulate dirt clods, pebbles, and tiny rocks under the guise of calling it a bullet. However, I knew there was much more to this basic skill than meets the eye.

In a sense, if I was clever and imaginative enough, there should be no reason at all as to why I couldn't, say, form a 9 mm handgun bullet out of dirt or rock. As my control over my new Talent grew, along with its rank, I would be able to do more important things, such as adding rotation and speed into the mix and turning my projectiles lethal.

But that was all something that would come in due time because, for now, all I was doing was staring at a pile of dirt, hovering my hand inches from the ground, and turning red in the face as if trying to push out a massive shit.

It all comes back to my earlier remark about how knowing something was vastly different from executing what you know.