Through Edinburgh, I Will Chase

POV: 3rd Person


Ryan's legs, feet, and hands all began trembling as he understood the kind of position he was currently in; it was almost as if his body understood what his mind was only now catching up to.

'Searching for someone…no…he knows…he knows where I am and who I am…' the stray thoughts all collided into one frightening realization, causing Ryan to accidentally knock one of the many textbooks off the table onto the floor, creating a small commotion.

'He knows, he knows about Rowing, he's here to kill her, and me, fuck, FUCK!' Falling into the throws of pure panic, Ryan didn't bother grabbing any of his stuff apart from the walkie-talkie, got up, and bolted for the back door of the café.

Although he wished for nothing more than to protect Rowing, his own survival took precedence. Idol or not, if he died, it didn't matter.