The Battle of Cramond Island (3)

As the waves crashed against the rugged shoreline, despite Ryan's best efforts to harness the power of the wind and rain, I could clearly feel that he was struggling to build and control the raging storm above thanks to the revelation that what he and everyone else in the Origin Timeline believed to be fact was the opposite of the truth.

I, Xipher, had survived the invasion of the Aliens and even made it back in time after disappearing for nearly two and a half years. I wasn't an idiot; I knew how people celebrated my vanishing and were more than willing to write me off as deceased.

And since he was present at the Battle of Istanbul, I had a feeling my identity reveal would affect him emotionally and mentally, thus destabilizing his control over the thunderous storm ravaging the skies and ocean. Hell, that was the reason I was even bothering to banter with the lad in the first place.