The Storm Calms

He…there's no way he reached 6C, that's…

"Impossible? I think not; if only you haughty rankers would take a second to understand the nature of our race, which is no different from warmongers, then maybe we could have stopped those extraterrestrial lifeforms from taking over our planet."

Before Ryan could finish his thought, I interrupted while digging my heel into his chest, earning a loud cracking sound for my efforts.

I had dug through and collapsed his sternum, causing blood to gush out of his mouth unhindered as Ryan's pained wheezing entered my ears.

"I reckon you probably only made it to 2C, potentially 3C, before giving up on the never-ending evolution grind, but I was never like you pitiful excuses titling yourselves as Heros or defenders or whatever the fuck your equivalent was." Shrugging my shoulders, I continued.