Operation Complete

While I did basically copy-paste the books from memory, that didn't mean I had kept them in their original state. Although it would no doubt paint a target on my back and cause some attention of some Returners to shift toward hunting me down, I didn't really care.

There were certain aspects of the original Henry Potter series that needed to be changed, well, expanded on, and I took the liberty to do just that.

Characters that didn't get enough screen time got more, like a specific one in the fourth book, Codric Daggery, who was an integral part of the ending; contrary to his introduction originally, I instead introduced him much earlier in the series, in book one, as an older student who was a teaching assistant that befriended the main character.

In my opinion, that way, his death would hurt that much more when it happened later on in the fourth book. I also righted a wrong that had bugged me from the very beginning of my days reading the final book.