Meeting A Serial Killer (2)

Creeping out of the examination room, I took care not to make a sound as I made my way towards the loud clacking.

Apart from the droning low hum of the AC, it was the only sound I could hear in the entire building, so it wasn't difficult to locate its origin.

Soon enough, I was standing with my back against the wall beside the open door to Harlow's office, where he could be seen crouched over the infamous typewriter, clambering away at the keys, typing up some document.

From my position, I could hear the crystal clear grumbles of the man as he read aloud the words he was putting on paper, allowing me to quickly verify that he was working on a Will for one of his victims to sign, just like I had hoped.

Of course, even if I had confirmed this information, that didn't mean I would act on it, not so soon; I wanted to learn as much as possible about him and his victims, as only 15 were uncovered.